Solved 2nd arguments and weird error

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by WHQ, Oct 18, 2015.

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    Hey guys!

    I am making a plugin (it's based on league of legends as you might notice)
    I have the following questions about it:

    - i get this error on the 1st line: Syntax error, insert "}" to complete ClassBody, but it wont go away after trying to put more "}" at the end.

    - How do i add second arguments? like for example /lom championselect <arg2>.

    My code
    public class LOM_Commands extends JavaPlugin {
        public List<String> champions = this.getConfig().getStringList("champions");
        public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String [] args){
            Player p = (Player) sender;
            if(cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("lom") || cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("leagueofminecraft")){
                p.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_BLUE + "<[" + ChatColor.GOLD + "League of Minecraft" + ChatColor.DARK_BLUE + "]>");
                p.sendMessage("version: 0.2 (beta)");
                p.sendMessage("made by WHQ");
                else if(args.length == 1){
                    if(args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("championlist") ||args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("champlist")){
                        p.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_BLUE + "<[" + ChatColor.GOLD + "Available Champions" + ChatColor.DARK_BLUE + "]>");
                        for (String champs : champions)
                    if(args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("championselect") || args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("champselect")){
                        p.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + "Wrong usage! try: /lom championselect <champion>");
            return true;
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    If you use eclipse, it can stuck, and disolay an error, wheb there aren't any. Just save the file, it can go away sometimes.
    WHQ likes this.
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    @WHQ Which line is giving you the error?

    Also, there's a couple of things in your code that could be fixed to make it "better" I guess you could say.

    1. Don't check for 2 commands at once if it's just the same command just different way of typing it, add aliases inside of the plugin.yml
        usage: /<command>
        aliases: [lom]
    2. Check if the sender is instanceof Player before casting.
    if(sender instanceof Player) {
    Player player = (Player)sender;
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    Ah okay, thanks for those improvements :)
    the first line:
    publicclass LOM_Commands extends JavaPlugin
    Gives me an error that i should add a "}"
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    @WHQ It works perfectly for me when I did it inside my IDE, I think what happened is what @mcdorli said above. Try exporting it and it should go away.
    WHQ likes this.
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    Yeah, you guys are probably right about the "}" thanks

    I had a second question about how to add second args like for example: /lom championselect <arg2>.
    How would i do this, it shouldnt be too hard i guess, but i couldnt find it after searching the forums and google
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    Plugin developement tutorial on the bukkit wiki? You know, the thing that you should check out first. So, the args array contains the arguments.

    /lom args[0] args[1] ...
    WHQ likes this.
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    yeah, i kinda feel like an idiot now,
    thanks for your and @SuperSniper 's help, you guys are the best!

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