Recognize that there's no one that will do this... - EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Love this random post, it gets peoples creativity on. Code:Java getServer().getPluginCommand("Test").setPermissionMessage(ChatColor.BLUE + "No!"); Set permission message ^^ Oh no almost out of ideas. Be back in a jiffy when i check teh JD'z. and teh internetz. Code:java Entity bat = e.getPlayer().getWorld().spawn(e.getLocation, Bat.class); bat.setPassenger(e.getPlayer()); Fly around on a bat ^^ Code:java //when player types /troll (args)... (Don't want to have to do onCommand :p) if(args.length == 1) {if(args[0] != null) {Location loc = getServer().getPlayer(args[0]).getLocation().subtract(0,1,0);Block block = args[0].getWorld().getBlockAt(loc);block.setTypeId(9); //Lava!}} ^^ Don't want to know. These are stupid ideas, that have no testing. Don't get mad if they don't work, I just put them down.
Don't want to say thats useless, but actually this is just code which doesn't require a post in the resource section, also this thread is meant for nms = net.minecraft.server = no Bukkit API Code
Wouldnt setFireTicks be prefered here though? Being non-NMS and accepting a time argument. - EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
everything rendered clientside, it will be much more effective to sent entity update packet to specific player, then setting global state of entity. this allows to "make endermen\wolf\anything angry\change color\animation\collar" without actually changing internal state and behaivior of entity.
You can refresh the stroll path of a Entity that inherits from EntityCreature by invoking the (Snapshot: 1.7.10-R0.1) method "bQ". It'll try 10 times to find a random point (max distance: 6 blocks horizontally and 3 blocks vertically) and weight the cost to walk there. If a point was found a new path will be calculated, which will be your new stroll path... I guess that no one will ever use this(Can you beat the useless level? ).