I've been playing on my own 1.6.4 server for a while. I'm using CraftBukkit #814...this isn't a recommended build, though. If you want to play on MC 1.6.4, you should grab CB #814.
racecar56 your an idiot. Sure it looks great in counsel but client side the game is not runnable. i suggest you downgrade your server and you client to 1.5_1 like everyone else with a fuckin clue is doin.
I'm not an idiot. It does work on the client, it's great. Stop calling strangers over the internet an idiot. You can't even spell properly.
Those look really good, is that gingerbread? EDIT: I think it's molasses flavored. What are they called again?
I'm already using 815 and everything seems to work fine. There are some bugs with lighting and item lose, but not many complains about it.
Then you seem to have answered your own question? Bukkit/craftbukkit doesnt get updated immediately after a new minecraft update. That's the way it is. I'm not familiar with TCAdmin, but if you have another layer of abstraction between your server and vanilla minecraft, then you will have to wait until whomever makes that *thing* approve a build of craftbukkit, or whatever you have going on. You should probably be asking the TCAdmin people, not the bukkit people. If you can just install any old version of craftbukkit, there are compatible builds, but they're not stable.
Youre a huge "¤%12 IDIOT,and a big NIRD! Dont you have any life? Just sitting in front of the computer/Bukkit Forums all day long commenting every post that is here? All post I have seen you have commenting stupid "LOL" things... Go get a life MAN! And you know whats lol, what you posted on my post!