1.6.1 jar file URL

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by maciekmm, Jul 3, 2013.

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    The only official address für 1.6.1 I know of is:

    But this only leads to the launcher. Not the actual minecraft.jar game file.
    There is no official link to the game file itself, afaik.
    What are you actually doing with this link in your plugin? (I'm just curious)
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    Dump all instances of the URL class from the JVM, until you find the correct link? A bit hacky, and you'll need to use a modified JVM to do this. ;)
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    I'm unpacking minecraft.jar and get textures from it to display it on maps :)

    Can't i just download .jar ? :(
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    it should be in %appdata%/.minecraft/versions/1.6.1
    It should be there from how the new launcher downloads it.
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    It's for server not for client.
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    I meant thats where they moved the minecraft.jar to. If you want the textures, then you can extract it from there and use them.
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    The launcher downloads the .jar, either decompile it, or dump URL.class.
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