Hi, Well the update is going quite nicely, certainly giving me something to get my teeth into. Ive been swapping plugins in and out to test for compatibility, found a few things out, mainly: Update vault! Update citizens to Citizens2 Delete WG, WE Towny and Multiworld then reinstall from scratch Dynmap doesn't like it. I have a couple of questions tho and of course as I put in the title, request for opinions. Even when workload is in a high state and server is lagging, sending text takes priority, is this a local echo or global (not tested yet, admins are off getting stoned or something I should expect lol) And has anyone else got a periodic lag spike, lasts for ~<1min occurs in every 10 or so. chat seems to still occur during them but block breaking etc will behave like bad lag. and and command using direct file access will lag until it passes. If anyone wants to see it in action check it out, links in my sig. Ideas, opinions and experiences welcome.
You mean like complete remove all the regions/towns/ and worlds.... Like make a new server pretty much. Huh? There's got to be a better way to fix the lag spikes. I too experience a CPU spike of about 20%-30% happening almost every minute. I want to say it has to do with towny's automatic file backup, I'm not completely positive though. EDIT: Lolz, well after one quick test of removing Towny. Turns out that this was the plugin causing the spikes. Still I thought it was the auto backups which it is clear that it is not now because I don't have numerous backups, one for each time there is a spike. It's definitely something in Towny though, I'll let you know if I figure it out.
I've been thinking that also, I removed Towny and still experienced the spike. I have swapped out A LOT of plugins, I was up until 3am this morning slaving over a red hot ssh client lol. You have to make sure you remove all town data, and that sorted that out. ScrollingMenuSign also needs to have all menus and views (especially) removed. Having issues with iconomy but i don't think that's down to 1.3. Something is making me suspect Vault, but im now using ALL of the above plugins plus a few more (35 installed) and the lag is right down. I think its a databasing issue, you just have to make sure all previous DB infor portaining to in-world data is removed. (worlds have a new ID numbering system or extra data in the world structure? im seeing data that wasn't there before the update so that seems likely) Will keep you apprised as im testing and tracking this down.
i dont think it has to do with "old" data i did a fresh install, added 29 plugins one by one as soon alot of players start joining im getting the lag so it could be a plugin or bukkit itself
after more messing about with it, i think it might well be something in the dev build. I'm seeing many other servers going up and down with the same frequency as mine. Strangely enough, a lot are synchronizing when they go down.
That means you have absolutely no clue about what Vault actually does. Vault can't cause these problems, try again. If you'r'e wondering, Vault is a passive library that gives other plugins a unified API for accessing things like Permission, and Economy. It performs almost no logic whatsoever, except to pass off checks to other plugins. By basis of what it actually is, it can't cause lag on the server. Your secondary indication just above this about it just being the dev build is the most likely situation. As a side-note. What economy plugin are you using?
Aah ok, guess its not that then. I just have Vault because its a dependency for others. Now it just seems to be regular lag and regular disconnects.
The confliction was within the dev bukkit and it's entity tick processing, in version 2279 Mike has a fix for this.
in general the lag seems better, much better. however, its still periodically (every few mins) causing internal exceptions and kicking players out. A good way of reproducing it would be to repeatedly open and close an enderchest like a loon and it'll fault the whole server. and getting many errors on the latest 2 snapshots with it registering chat events for plugins.
ok, and something else ive noticed. Problems get less when you stop assigning memory. so I get less problems when my script is executing: java -jar server.jar 2>/dev/null & than when its using nohup java -Xmx1G -Xms512M -jar server.jar nogui >/dev/null 2>/dev/null & or nohup java -Xmx1G -Xincgc -jar server.jar nogui >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &
i must say, the laggspikes have become less frquent and also shorter since 2291... i hope it keeps getting better
I updated to 2291 to do test on my comp. Basicly all my important plugins broke after using it... Towny, WE, WorldGuard, SCS shops, mcMMO, Multiverse. Everything very important to the server broke... Umm what..??