1.3.1 - Health and hunger problems

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by dino120, Aug 10, 2012.

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    Since I updated my server (Last night), my players have said that hunger goes down a lot faster and that healing seems to take a long time. Also, eating something eats it ALOT faster than normal. I have No Cheat Plus and whenever someone eats it gives me the "instant eat" message and whenever someone heals it gives me the "Instant Heal" message.. Any help
    EDIT: Also, every once in a while when someone teleports it says "NAME fell out of the world" and sometimes they even die. Also it will say "NAME fell out of the world" randomly for player who aren't even online?
    Here is a list of my plugins:
    NoEntityGreif, Orebfuscator, WorldEdit, NoCheatPlus, DisguiseCraft, PermissionsEx, Modifyworld, LWC, WorldGuard, SelfPromote, Essentials, ChatManager, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsSpawn, Hawkeye, BOSEconomy, ShowCaseStandalone
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    hmmm... im not sure what the problem is....

    P.S where did you get the NoCheatPlus? if you can get the link, cus my anticheat plugin stinks! its very laggy and annoying.
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    I use to use NoCheat, but it became inactive and recently switched to NoCheatPlus..Here is the link: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/nocheatplus/

    Anyone know fixes for my insane glitches though?
  4. Offline


    I'm thinking the hunger/healing issues may be bugs with either Minecraft or Bukkit, either intended or accidental changes. Either that or a plugin is conflicting with it. If you think NC+ is giving you trouble, you can fully customize if/when the messages show up and what action(s) to take. Read about it on that devbukkit page you linked to. There should also be instructions in the NC+ folder, where the config.yml file is.

    I'm guessing the reason why that happens is the chunk doesn't load fast enough, or at all, and so the player falls into the void and to their death. That's attributed to the "lag" issues people have been having on these new 1.3.1 builds. This includes people not even online, as they may have just logged out to relog from frustration with not loading the chunk, or it's someone who tried logging out but the server is lagging so much it can't even process the user's disconnection and instead his character entity falls.

    Btw, all of these ideas are educated guesses.
  5. Offline


    Yeah... you're right! Sometimes players "fall out of the world" when they aren't even online, do you know of a fix to load the chunks faster?
  6. Offline


    See, the chunks loading so slowly is something bukkit's been trying to work on tirelessly, and everyone's complaining about it. :p

    In other words, it's not a problem specific to your setup. You just gotta wait for some fixes to come out. Are you on the RB or the latest dev build? If the former, try going back to dl.bukkit.org and selecting other versions, and download the latest build number. There are a few chunk loading/saving issues worked on since the RB.
  7. Offline


    I am using the recomended version right now...do you think the current dev build would fix the chunk thing
  8. Offline


    My guess is it won't completely fix it, but you might see some performance improvements if you do. Even the RB isn't very polished yet (quoted as a "slightly polished development build"), so since you've used the RB you might as well go get the latest dev build to see if it makes the problem any better.
  9. Offline


    Updating to latest DB didn't seem to work very much, but it helped a tad. Thanks for trying to help :D hopefully the next few bukkit versions fix it completely
  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    I'm having the hunger/eating problem as well as drowning really fast.

    This is my list of plugins
    I have no idea what the problem is.

    Found the problem. It was NoCheatPlus. I updated it to the latest version and all my problems went away.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
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