Solved 1,000 instead of 1000

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MordorKing78, Jul 23, 2016.

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    What I need to know is how I turn for example this integer of 12391 to 12,391 or 1239190 to 1,239,190!
    I just need it to show that in an string (as a message).

    if anyone knows a simple way of doing this that would be great!
    Thank you!

    Kind Regards, OrpheuZ
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  3. @MordorKing78 @thapengwin
    Indeed, Decimal Format is the way to go, but one thing to keep in mind is the locale of different users, for instance, if an american were to format "1233" with "#,###" it would become "1,233", but if I were to run it with my Swedish JRE, it would become "1.233". This is because many countries in europe have the decimal operators switched, "," is used as the decimal point, and "." is used to seperate every three digits.
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    @AlvinB I'm looking to do it with ","

    @thepengwin Lulz, I only looked for Bukkit API results :p

    Thanks tho I'll look into it :)!
  5. @MordorKing78
    I was just pointing it out, you never know where the users of your plugins come from :)

    Also, if this thread is solved, please mark it as such.
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    @AlvinB Netherlands here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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    Mark this as solved, please.
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    @thapengwin I'm still looking into it but I'll solve it.
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