Comments on Profile Post by rafalon

  1. 4am
    That will never happen. Buy the game.
    Aug 15, 2011
  2. ewized
    I bought the game and i know how you fell your friends wont buy it. But if anjocardio get this he may do that. IDK that would be cool.
    Aug 16, 2011
  3. 4am
    He has already commented that he will not do that, and so has the rest of the Spout team. Creating a tool to assist in piracy will anger Mojang and invite lawsuits, and look bad on the Bukkit community and the mod community as a whole. You must buy Minecraft for Spout to work properly; end of story.
    Aug 17, 2011
  4. Wulfspider
    Spout, Spoutcraft, and the SpoutDev team will not support piracy.
    Aug 17, 2011
  5. jlu
    Ask to mom for buy the game.
    Aug 24, 2011