Citizens Plugin quest.yml problem!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Lydenia, Feb 8, 2012.

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    Hay guys,

    the server were i work on was first on nitrado. everything works fine.
    Now we changed to a V-Hoster or how it ever names... everything works whitout problem... only
    the plugin Citizens wont work... i can create a npc, set his text, give him the type Quester...
    but since we are changed the host it dont want to find my quests... it is the same quest.yml
    like on nitrado... i tryed to write them new but it still dont want to find them...
    i delete the quest.yml and reload to get a new... write it again new... it still dont want...
    I dont have any idear what to do now... our users wait to can quest again... =(

    Maybe anyone of u have an idear why it wont work now...?!
  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    i can upload it, i have always a backup of the server hehe =)
    We have the newest bukkit and citizens versions xD

    # ----- Quest Design Guide -----
    # First, let's cover the basic fields in a quest.
    # Each root node is the quest name - below, the two quest names are 'example' and 'example2'.
    # This is what you will use ingame to identify each quest.
    # Inside this, we see the text nodes - pretty self-explanatory. Note that you can use
    # <br> to denote a line break.
    # The repeats option allows a quest to be completed a certain number of times. It acts as a limit. -1 denotes an
    # unlimited completion times limit. Let's take an example. A limit of 1 would allow the quest to be completed once.
    # Now we move on to the configuration of the two main configuration options - objectives and rewards.
    # --- Objectives ---
    # Thus far, objectives have a set structure - a number of different 'steps' and a number of objectives
    # within each step. This allows for more freeform quest design. Note that each step should be marked
    # by an ascending number, *with quotes* around it. Each objective within a step is incremented concurrently.
    # The message variable is sent to the player on completion of each objective.
    # --- Objective types ---
    # To aid with generic objective design, each objective can use one of a common set of variables
    # - amount, string, materialid, location, string, item and npcdestination (destination NPC ID).
    # Each objective type may use one or more of these variables - a reference is provided below.
    #  - Specifying item and locations -
    # Item nodes have three sub-nodes, two that must be included and one optional.
    # The id sub-node designates the item/block ID.
    # The amount sub-node specifies the item amount.
    # The optional data sub-node specifies the item data value to be used.
    # Location nodes have 4 required sub-nodes, two optional.
    # The world node specifies the world name of the location.
    # The x ,y and z nodes specifies the x,y and z values.
    # The pitch/yaw optional nodes specify the rotation (think aeroplanes) of the location.
    # Example syntax:
    # location:
    #    x: 123
    #    y: 124
    #    z: 111
    #    world: 'world'
    # Block destroy quest (destroy block) - break a certain amount of blocks.
    # Uses: amount - the amount of blocks to break. materialid - the block ID to break.
    # Build quest (build) - place a certain number of blocks
    # Uses: materialid - the block ID to place. amount - the amount that must be placed.
    # Combat quest (player combat) - kill a certain number of players.
    # Uses: amount - the amount of players to kill. string - a list of which players should be targeted. '*' signifies all, '-' as the first character signifies a
    # whitelist, g:group specifies a group to target.
    # Collect quest (collect) - pick up a certain number of items.
    # Uses: amount - the number of items to pick up. materialid - the ID to pick up.
    # Delivery quest (delivery)- deliver an item to an npc.
    # Uses: npcdestination - the NPC ID to deliver to. materialid - the material that must be in hand.
    # amount - the amount of the material that must be in hand.
    # Distance quest (move distance)- walk a certain number of blocks.
    # Uses: amount - the amount of blocks to walk.
    # Hunt quest (hunt) - kill a certain number of monsters.
    # Uses: amount - the number of monsters to kill. string - which monsters to kill. '*' signifies all, '-' at
    # the start signifies that monsters not in the list will be counted.
    # Location quest (move location)- be within a certain range of a location.
    # Uses: location - the base location to move to. amount - the amount in blocks that the player can be away from the location before finishing.
    # --- Rewards ---
    # These can be used as both rewards *and* requirements to start a quest.
    # As rewards, they can be either give rewards, or take rewards. As requirements, they can only be used
    # to take from a player.
    # Rank reward (rank) - grants a group ('rank') to a player.
    # Specified by the rank: node.
    # Permission reward (permission) - grants a permission to a player.
    # Specified by the permission: node.
    # Quest reward (quest) - grants a quest to a player. Note that it cannot be taken away from a player.
    # Specified by the quest: node.
    # Item reward (item) - gives an item to a player.
    # Loaded from the item: nodes.
    # Health reward (health) - gives health to a player.
    # Loaded from the amount: node.
    # Money reward (money) - gives money to a player.
    # Loaded from the money: node.
            description: A build quest
            completion: <g>You win! Here's some stone.
            acceptance: <g>Challenge <y>accepted<g>.
                type: rank
                rank: 'your-rank-here'
        repeats: -1
                    type: build
                    materialid: 1
                    amount: 3
                    message: Built. Now come back here!
                type: item
                id: 1
                amount: 64
                take: false
            description: A fetch quest
            completion: <g>You win! Give me that stone.
            acceptance: <g>Challenge <y>accepted<g>.
        repeats: 1
                    type: collect
                    materialid: 1
                    amount: 3
                    message: A voice echoes... "I want that stone now!"
                type: item
                id: 1
                amount: 3
                take: true
            description: A mob quest - kill any 3 of zombie, pig or chicken
            completion: <g>You win!
            acceptance: <g>Challenge <y>accepted<g>.
        repeats: 2
                    type: hunt
                    string: 'zombie, pig, chicken'
                    amount: 3
                    message: Monsters slain \o/.
                type: item
                id: 1
                amount: 3
                take: true
            description: Baue dem Goblin 10 Steine ab damit er weiterbauen kann.
            completion: Danke!
            acceptance: <g>Quest <y>angenommen<g>.
        repeats: 3
                    type: destroy block
                    materialid: 1
                    amount: 10
                    message: "<g>Quest <y>abgeschlossen<g>!"
                type: item
                id: 257
                amount: 1
                data: 0
    Nervige Krabbler:
            description: Töte 20 Spinnen um hidden beim beschützen der Kirche zu helfen.
            completion: Wunderbar, endlich ruhe hier Oben!
            acceptance: <g>Quest <y>angenommen<g>.
        repeats: 3
                    type: hunt
                    string: 'spider'
                    amount: 20
                    message: "<g>Quest <y>abgeschlossen<g>!"
                type: item
                id: 283
                amount: 1
                data: 0
            description: "Setze 6 Setztlinge um Icarus zu beweisen das du den Wald magst."
            completion: "Der Wald wird es dir sicher danken!"
            acceptance: "<g>Quest <y>angenommen<g>!"
        repeats: 0
                    type: build
                    materialid: 6
                    amount: 24
                    message: "<g>Quest <y>abgeschlossen<g>!"
                type: item
                id: 297
                amount: 32
                data: 0
    Hau drauf:
            description: "Baue 50 helles Holz ab um Kabby zu zeigen wer der bessere ist!"
            completion: "Super arbeit!"
            acceptance: "<g>Quest <y>angenommen<g>!"
        repeats: -1
                    type: destroy block
                    materialid: 17
                    amount: 50
                    message: "<g>Quest <y>abgeschlossen<g>!"
                type: item
                id: 286
                amount: 1
                data: 0
    Rote Rosen:
            description: Bringe Suse97 24 Rote Rosen!
            completion: Wie süss von dir, danke!
            acceptance: <g>Quest <y>angenommen<g>.
        repeats: -1
                    type: collect
                    materialid: 38
                    amount: 24
                    message: "<g>Quest <y>abgeschlossen<g>!"
                type: item
                id: 322
                amount: 3
                data: 0
                type: item
                id: 38
                amount: 24
                take: true
    Frischer Fisch:
            description: Fange für T0FFi_FEE 12 Fische!
            completion: Der eine zappelt ja sogar noch! Danke!
            acceptance: <g>Quest <y>angenommen<g>.
        repeats: -1
                    type: collect
                    materialid: 349
                    amount: 12
                    message: "<g>Quest <y>abgeschlossen<g>!"
                type: item
                id: 350
                amount: 20
                data: 0
                type: item
                id: 349
                amount: 12
                take: true
    Gute Ernte:
            description: Sammle für Alberts 20 Knochen damit seine Ernte noch rechtzeitig fertig wird!
            completion: Jetzt schaff ich es sicher! Ich bin dir was schuldig mein Freund!
            acceptance: <g>Quest <y>angenommen<g>.
        repeats: -1
                    type: collect
                    materialid: 352
                    amount: 20
                    message: "<g>Quest <y>abgeschlossen<g>!"
                type: item
                id: 267
                amount: 64
                data: 0
                type: item
                id: 352
                amount: 50
                take: true
            description: Bringe Zodiac_1 35 Kies damit er die Wege repariren lassen kann!
            completion: Endlich wird hier niemand mehr stolpern!
            acceptance: <g>Quest <y>angenommen<g>.
        repeats: -1
                    type: collect
                    materialid: 13
                    amount: 35
                    message: "<g>Quest <y>abgeschlossen<g>!"
                type: item
                id: 284
                amount: 1
                data: 0
                type: item
                id: 13
                amount: 35
                take: true
    Frischer Saft:
            description: Bringe Shoxi1994 3 Flaschen voll Wasser!
            completion: Danke kleiner, das Zeug ist tausendmal besser als Bier!
            acceptance: <g>Quest <y>angenommen<g>.
        repeats: -1
                    type: collect
                    materialid: 373
                    amount: 3
                    message: "<g>Quest <y>abgeschlossen<g>!"
                type: item
                id: 325
                amount: 5
                data: 0
                type: item
                id: 373
                amount: 3
                take: true
    Doofe Monster:
            description: Töte für Miner 30 Creeper!
            completion: Endlich kann ich wieder in ruhe in die Mine!
            acceptance: <g>Quest <y>angenommen<g>.
        repeats: 5
                    type: hunt
                    string: 'creeper'
                    amount: 30
                    message: "<g>Quest <y>abgeschlossen<g>!"
                type: item
                id: 276
                amount: 1
                data: 0
    Ein wahrer Schatz:
            description: Sammle für Miner 3 Diamonds!
            completion: So muss das sein!
            acceptance: <g>Quest <y>angenommen<g>.
        repeats: 5
                    type: collect
                    materialid: 364
                    amount: 3
                    message: "<g>Quest <y>abgeschlossen<g>!"
                type: item
                id: 57
                amount: 1
                data: 0
                type: item
                id: 364
                amount: 3
                take: true
            description: Bringe Leroy_Cunningham 20 Eisenerz und 5 Kohle!
            completion: Danke kleiner, das Zeug ist tausendmal besser als Bier!
            acceptance: <g>Quest <y>angenommen<g>.
        repeats: -1
                    type: collect
                    materialid: 15
                    amount: 20
                    message: "<g>Quest <y>abgeschlossen<g>!"
                    type: collect
                    materialid: 263
                    amount: 5
                    message: "<g>Quest <y>abgeschlossen<g>!"
                type: item
                id: 15
                amount: 20
                take: true
                type: item
                id: 263
                amount: 5
                take: true
                type: item
                id: 306
                amount: 1
                data: 0
                type: item
                id: 307
                amount: 1
                data: 0
                type: item
                id: 308
                amount: 1
                data: 0
                type: item
                id: 309
                amount: 1
                data: 0
    Die Beute:
            description: Buch1 hält dich für einen Tölpel! Töte für ihn 30 Tiere um es ihm zu zeigen!
            completion: Du bist ein wahrer Jäger!
            acceptance: <g>Quest <y>angenommen<g>.
        repeats: 0
                    type: hunt
                    string: 'cow,sheep,chicken,pig'
                    amount: 30
                    message: "<g>Quest <y>abgeschlossen<g>!"
                type: item
                id: 364
                amount: 32
                data: 0
                type: item
                id: 366
                amount: 32
                data: 0
                type: item
                id: 320
                amount: 32
                data: 0
    Neue Bibeln:
            description: Bringe Jesus 20 neue Bibeln (Bücher)!
            completion: Die Kirche dankt dir!
            acceptance: <g>Quest <y>angenommen<g>.
        repeats: -1
                    type: collect
                    materialid: 340
                    amount: 20
                    message: "<g>Quest <y>abgeschlossen<g>!"
                type: item
                id: 266
                amount: 18
                data: 0
                type: item
                id: 340
                amount: 20
                take: true
    Grosse Angst:
            description: Töte 25 Zombies für Alysius!
            completion: So muss das sein!
            acceptance: <g>Quest <y>angenommen<g>.
        repeats: -1
                    type: hunt
                    string: 'zombie'
                    amount: 25
                    message: "<g>Quest <y>abgeschlossen<g>!"
                type: item
                id: 89
                amount: 64
                data: 0
    Kohle, Kohle, Kohle:
            description: Bringe Gronkh 15 Kohle um seine sucht zu beruhigen!
            completion: Danke mein Freund!
            acceptance: <g>Quest <y>angenommen<g>.
        repeats: -1
                    type: collect
                    materialid: 363
                    amount: 15
                    message: "<g>Quest <y>abgeschlossen<g>!"
                type: item
                id: 50
                amount: 64
                data: 0
                type: item
                id: 50
                amount: 64
                data: 0
                type: item
                id: 363
                amount: 15
                take: true
            description: Bringe Humen10 10 rohes Hünchen um seinen Kühlschank wieder zu füllen!
            completion: Ein danke von meinem Kühlschrank!
            acceptance: <g>Quest <y>angenommen<g>.
        repeats: -1
                    type: collect
                    materialid: 365
                    amount: 1
                    message: "<g>Quest <y>abgeschlossen<g>!"
                type: item
                id: 346
                amount: 1
                data: 0
                type: item
                id: 365
                amount: 10
                take: true
    Schwerer Block:
            description: Miner wollte schon immer mal wissen wie schwer es wohl ist einen Diamonderz abzubauen. Baue ihm einen Block ab und erzähl ihm davon!
            completion: "Danke, jetzt weiss ich das ich niemals einem begegnen will!"
            acceptance: "<g>Quest <y>angenommen<g>!"
        repeats: -1
                    type: destroy block
                    materialid: 56
                    amount: 1
                    message: "<g>Quest <y>abgeschlossen<g>!"
                type: item
                id: 314
                amount: 1
                data: 0
                type: item
                id: 315
                amount: 1
                data: 0
                type: item
                id: 316
                amount: 1
                data: 0
                type: item
                id: 317
                amount: 1
                data: 0
  4. Offline


    Run the server with the quest.yml file on there and then open up your server.log and see if you get any errors
  5. Offline


    Only [INFO] and [SEVERE] (realy severe) messages... no ERROR.... =(
  6. Offline


    lol, thats what i meant, what do the [SEVERE] messages, copy and paste your server log so i can look at it
  7. Offline


    okay, but i have to warn u... its pretty much xD
    I cleard the log, stop the server, started the server. I Delete everthing over the fist "Citizens-message" and everything unter the last from it... (Forum says its to long) *rolleyes*
    EDIT: the complete server.log
  8. Offline


    Okay so far from i can see, Nspleef is pulling a lot of errors, i use simplespleef on my server, it allows for team based spleef and it has no errors in the log,

    Another thing is the quests.yml file has invalid characters somewhere such as "?"
    ill try and see if i can find the characters for you.

    also logblock is pulling errors, it would seem that your mysql details are incorrect?

    for SLAMP(Stop Looking At My Plugins), i recommend using Pluginspy, it doesnt pull any errors for me and only has one permission

    And on a final note, what version of iconomy are you using?
  9. Offline


    Spleef.. yes, il work on it xD I just have to delete it couse we got UltimateArena and this do no errors =D

    Invalid chatacters? Dont know anything about that... sure much quests... and all the NPC´s have to get set new becouse we are now on a new server... npc file only the two i seted new xD Dont know anything about something like that 0o

    LogBlock... jea... dont work too... but i think its couse in the config is the old database "adress" xD i have to change that fast xD

    StopLookingAtMyPlugins... dont need... i delete that... xD

    iConomy is on... öhm... i dont know... Oo How to see it? :eek:
  10. Offline


    once you have done all that(besides citizens) delete the server.log and restart the server(it will generate a new one) (a much much cleaner one hopefully)
    Just so that i can narrow the log down for me to look at clearly :p
    and it helps you :D
    Then post a server.log for me to download and look at
    Also, your using group manager? i think your the first person i know of who hasnt upgraded yet lol, okay im guessing you use permissions 2.x/3.x?

    Perhaps instead of using group manager, you could use something like, or bpermissions
    i use bpermissions, and have found it much easier to use as it allows you to do many more things, and is compatible with almost every plugin
  11. Offline


    Jea.... the server is pretty new and im the onlyone who know a bit about the plugins shit... =/
    What i done:
    -delete nspleef
    -delete StopLookAtMyPlugins
    -Look at the LogBlock config... and i dont know how to find t a V server the database name and so on... fuuu...
    -Looked for IConomy Version: iConomy 6.0.8b

    I use the Essentials GroupManager whitout any problems Oo

    Thx for helping me... =D And sry for my bad english xD >German< xD
  12. Offline


    no problem ;D
    anything i can do to help players out im willing to do it
    go through your quest.yml file and remove all accented characters
    i.e ö and ü, things like that
    i dont think they are allowed and they pull error lol
    bpermissions is a lot better than group manager, and more up to date as well

    Your iconomy version is fine so thats all good

    I suck with Logblock but ill see what i can do for you, do you have skype or anything? I can talk to you on there about it :D
  13. Offline


    Okay, i have skype xD Better than spam this Forum *g*
    Add me: lydenia1992

    Here i just want to say thanks to u.

    Guys? If u need help whit anything - HE is your man! =)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
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