Nerf OP

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by 1101001, Jan 14, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Basically, i need a way to take all commands away from the 'op' so that i can set people as op so their name changes colour in /who (I want people to know if there is any staff online, but i don't want all staff to be able to access all commands).

    Thats it basically..
  2. Offline

    Nathan C

    It's called permissions.

    OP = Operator Powers and it should ONLY be given to the server owner.
  3. Offline


    I want to give all staff OP so that their names show up in red on the essentials /who and anywhere else where their name is shown but not their prefix, but i don't want to give them operator permissions.
  4. Offline


    You fail to understand the point of op then, and need better plugins.
    Royal_Soda likes this.
  5. Offline


    I understand what an OP is for. However i want to use it for something else..
  6. Offline


    dude it's not possible
  7. Offline


    It's impossible to give normal OP and then subtract the permissions.
    If you just want the red tag, then use a permissions plugin and give it to a group.
    Hmmm...would giving Op and subtracting or ^'ing the commands in PEX or bPermissions work? Or does OP auto-override everything?
  8. Offline


    Op overrides everything, this seems like a pretty silly request cause NO ONE but the owner should have access to OP. There is a reason why permission plugins have admin and mod groups.
  9. Offline


    • It is possible, i've seen it done.
    • You cant change the colour otherwise without using a prefix..
    • Why should no-one except the owner have access to OP? I have admins and vetmods with '*' rank and i have no trouble..
  10. Offline


    If you're using permissionsEX, you could change the online list (First give prefixes to the players you want to have the prefix).
  11. Offline


    OP doesn't override everything, you can op everyone then substract the nodes you don't want them to have if you feel that is easier
  12. Offline


    How do you subtract the nodes?
  13. Offline


    Set the them false - how you do it depends on your permission plugin (in terms of formatting)
  14. Offline


    So i find all the nodes which i don't want them to have and set them to false?
    For each rank? Not the OP itself..?
  15. Offline


    Or set the ones you do want them to have to true...
  16. Offline


    Ok what you want to do is fix the perfix colors to so it would say [faction if any] [Admin] [username]:
  17. Offline


    Can you actually physically change the permissions which '/op <name>' gives somebody or not?

    And no, this doesn't work since the /who list doesn't add prefixes..
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


    I think the better question here is to have a plugin made that modifies the "who" listing with specific colors. That way when you do /who (or override/disable that in essentials to re-route into this new plugin) so that you have the colors you want instead of a lengthy runaround with permissions and OP nerfing.

    A who list with colors would kick ass actually...why hasn't that been done? (or has it?)
  20. Offline


    Well yeh, that'd be awesome :p I already started with this method though so i thought i'd try and finish it.. But if somebody wants to make that relatively simple plugin i'd be thrilled :p
  21. Offline


    I agree. If its possible, I would LOVE that. Make for listing who exactly is on staff in varying positions that much quicker.
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