MemeorySection On use of letter j

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by 2getterau, Jan 8, 2012.

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    tutty: i MemorySection[path='j', root='YamlConfiguration']ust want to do some art[0
    sometimes when people use the leyer j this errmessafe pops up in the viewble chat

    win7 64
    bukkit 1597
    Plugins: AppleTree Essentials EssentialsChat, EssentialsProtec,EssentialsSpawnFoundDiamonds miConomy mLockette mLog mRemoteToolkitPlugin MobDisguise mSpawnMob mTreeFeller VanishNoPickup WorldEdit mWorldGuard XrayInformer mChestShop mmChatSuitem mcMMo NarrowtuxLibm Showcase

    any input would be nice its starting to get annoying
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    dont worry i founs the source of the error it turn out to be mChar Censor thanks for your help tho
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