Falsebook or CraftBook?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by klutch2013, Jul 6, 2011.

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    can someone advise me on which to use, i currently use FalseBook, but in an effort to reduce lag and RAM usage on my server i am going over all of our plugins. Which, FalseBook, or CraftBook, uses less RAM and is updated regularly?
  2. Offline


    Falsebook is updated more regularly, and I believe it was created just because CraftBook was the one that causes more lag etc.
  3. Offline


    really.... anyone know why craftbook might do this?
  4. Offline


    Basically, because CraftBook wasn't updated since... #1185?
    And it has LOTS of dupe bugs, poor permissions compatibility and etc.
  5. Offline


    CraftBook is one of SK89q's plugins...it still hasn't been completely ported over from hMod, to be honest. i prefer CraftBook myself because whilst using WorldEdit, WorldGuard, and CommandBook; I've grown used to the configuration and general layout of SK89q's plugins. I haven't noticed any increase in lag because of the plugin; but others have. Falsebook updates more frequently, but I personally don't like the way the plugin is laid out.
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