2 Quick Questions

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by xezesis, Feb 25, 2011.

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    A) Is everyone having the teleport bug?
    i.e. when you teleport it takes ages and ages to load the terrrain?
    B) Im noticing that with plugins that have commands the same as default bukkit, the command print it being printed for both.
    i.e. when i /help ingame with general installed i get the general plugins help for about a second then i get normal bukkit help (vanailla help)
    same thing with /tp i get the teleport working because of general but i get an error because bukkit cant teleport me and its display its error code
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    That should not happen, but general is not working ATM I think.
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    I Dont Think its the fact general is broken and im not using the normal version somebody cant remember his name is maintaining it atm
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    Oh so there is an unofficial general? Okay will remember that.
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    Does Anyone know anything about this?
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