AFK Limbo

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by aufdemrand, Dec 14, 2011.

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    I've wanted for a long time a plugin that mimics some behavior of a MUD I used to play way back when. If the system detected you were "Away from Keyboard", it would teleport you to a safe room entitled "The Limbo". It was a safe-point, free from mobs and player killers. Upon your arrival back to keyboard, at the first sign of use, it would teleport you back to where you were.

    Here's how it could work.

    Site operator would design and designate a limbo area. I'd do a 'secret' room underground. It could alternatively be an existing safe area, such as a town fountain or something. Or a lava field, for you hardcore users.

    At this point, maybe the plugin could connect to RegionGuard (and WorldEdit). Select corner 1, Select corner 2... '/limbo set'. That's it for the operator! Behind the scenes, it could parse the configuration file to see how long players need to be inactive for to spawn in a random location, INSIDE the area set by the '/limbo set' command. 5 Minutes maybe? World chat messages would be cool too. '* Player has entered the limbo.' '* Player has returned from the limbo.'

    What do you think?

    2nd page already? ;D

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2016
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    I'm busy creating such a plugin and it already works quite nicely :D

    If the player is AFK for more than 60 seconds (or a different configurable value) then he will be teleported to a world called 'Limbo'. This world is a peaceful, non PVP world with normal environment. If the player starts moving again, he will be teleported back to his previous position.

    That's all I have at this moment. I still need to fix configuration and such. I'm not planning to make it work with other plugins for now. Doing it my way (teleporting to a seperate world) seems pretty stable and doesn't need difficult programming of safezones. Furthermore this allows you to change the Limbo world yourself (just put any world folder in there and name it 'Limbo').

    I submitted the plugin, but it's awaiting approval :)
    aufdemrand likes this.
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    Awesome! The multi-world option is a great solution. I will download and try that out as soon as I can.

    Admittedly I'm not a well-versed Java programmer, but I do have an eclipse install up and running. I programmed a lot when I was younger... any chance on getting in on the development of this in any way?
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    Yea I guess, I'm still figuring out how the BukkitDev thing works, but I could share the code on github for now and then you can clone it and do some pull requests :)

    I was thinking of some features:
    - Teleporting the user back after a time interval instead of instantly, allows you to send a message to the user that he will be ported back in 10 seconds, making it a bit more user friendly.
    - Allowing a user to go afk instantly by using the /afk command
    - Teleport users to different positions in Limbo, now they all go the the spawnpoint in Limbo, dunno how well this works with multiple AFK players

    Edit: Code is on github now
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    Could you send me the link to this plugin?
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