What is the command to change your Gamemode?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by manny786, Dec 13, 2011.

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    Please give me the format to use in permissions please.
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    Depends on what plugins you are using. In essentials i think its either essentials.gamemode or essentails.gm
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    If you do not have anything that provides a command to do that you must be an Operator (OP) to be able to use the command to change the gamemode of a player. the command to do this normally is: /gamemode <username> <0/1>
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    I cannot image why you should give the command to any player who are not OP unless you want a creative world and than you can simply edit the server.properties file, setting gamemode to 1. If you have multiple world using multiverse, you can set the gamemode per world in the config files of multiverse: <server dir>/plugins/MultiverseCore/..

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