[MECH] PistonsBreakBlocksOverWater v1.04 - Turn blocks to Items via Pistons [953/1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by sunspark, Jul 16, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Pistons Break Blocks over Water
    Version: 1.04

    Quite simplistic, whenever you push/pull a block over water with piston, it will get dropped as the item. Means, you pull stone over it, and get a stone drop. You push glass over water via a piston, glass drops, etc.

    Make a backup of your world. I've tested it and nothing broke, but it's always good to have a backup just in case.

    • Pull any blocks over a water source to break them
    • Push any blocks over a water source to break them.
      This needs to be the block immediately against the piston's base - blocks further away won't work. Fixed in 1.04 - any blocks that the piston pushes are now checked.
    Github thingies includes the version at the end - be sure to delete/overwrite previous files.

    Version 1.04
    • CraftBukkit 1.04
    Version 1.03
    • Check for canceled events before processing the piston updates
    • Water and Lava are no longer dropped when pushed/pulled
    Version 1.00
    • Initial version
    Requested by: PureDark
  2. Offline


    Cool, need to try this!
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  3. Offline


    Issue is just, how would I even detect which user activated the piston?
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  5. Offline


    It's not about implementing permissions per se, but to know when users can even activate the pistons so that they'd drop items. Tracking who activated which redstone current how is fairly complex if includes logic gates and whatnot; I've seen a topic about that recently - the other option would be to keep track of who placed the pistons, and if it was a user with the applicable permission allow that feature. I'm not sure which of the two you mean?
  6. Offline


    You have to get player name or permission and you if..else statement.
  7. Offline


    When a piston pushes a water flow, it very quickly spawns water blocks. This is a huge bug. Could this please be fixed? Other then that, great plugin.
  8. Offline


    Fixed that now; link above is updated, just overwrite the file.

    Updated for CraftBukkit 1000 - uses the new piston events now, means you can have your water further away - as long as a block is pushed over it, it'll be dropped.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  9. Offline


    Thanks! <3 My cobble generator was making more water then cobble :p
  10. Offline


    Not to be a pain, but could you add an option to only activate this feature on selected pistons, or regions selected by WorldEdit? Maybe a command like /pistonbreak <enable/disable>, then you punch the piston to set the feature on that piston only. This way it doesn't interfere with other player's stuff :)
  11. Offline


    config file for specific item probably?
  12. Offline


  13. Offline


    Still works with 1529 thankfully. It's working just fine in conjunction with Item Scanners, a chest that absorbs whatever it already has in it.

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