PEX and PEX Chat help please.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by AndLan, Nov 12, 2011.

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    Hello. I've been spending about 8 hours trying to get this to work properly.

    This is a fresh 1.8.1, with the only plugins being PeX and the Modify World and the Chat (The ones that come WITH PEX).

    I get errors whenever I try running it.

    I'm running the latest build of Bukkit, and I use Pail Manager (or whatever it is. I can't run the server using bukkit without it. :S)

    This is what the Pail Screen says.

    This is what the Command Prompt says.

    This is what is inside of my permissions.yml at the /plugins/PermissionsEx.

    This is what's inside of the config.yml.

    This is randomly happens and I figured since it had to do with PEX, i'd post it.

    I appreciate any and all help. I've tried everything, I've even tried different chat systems which still doesn't fix the problem.

    I'm on a Windows OS, Newest Bukkit, 64 bit, Java SE Runtime Enviroment (Build 1.6.0_29-b11) Java hotspot Client VM (BUild 20.4-b02, mixed mode, sharing)

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     prefix: '&0[&1Mod&0]&1
    where is the ' ?
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