New developer - Seeking someone to show me the ropes! :D

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Waffletastic, Nov 8, 2011.

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    So I started learning java a couple of days ago, and I managed to work out my first plugin :D
    And I was looking for someone that could show me the ropes of java and plugin developing. Most of the time I understand what needs to be done, but just don't know java well enough to implement it. I am also looking for how to create a config, because I'm having a little trouble with it. If you're interested, contact me on skype, my username is shamwoow, or pm me! Thanks! :D
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    I'm not the expert, but I may be able to help :p
    saul100 likes this.
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    Awesome, do you have a skype?
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    I do yes, i'll PM you it later, and then i'll come on when i can :)
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