Rare error U_U (help plz)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Laguna, Nov 10, 2011.

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    Hello fellow. Tengoun rare problem. I have 2 servers, one on a VPS and another where the plugins I tested on my PC (localhost). Since yesterday will not let me access my local server, I get the following error in Minecraft when I log on:


    Know if the error is the server, java or something else. I've never had problems with my local server has always connected well, what can be?
  2. Offline


    Basically its saying that using localhost is unsupported by the "connect" protocol. Try using "" instead to connect or resintall Java.
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    Thank you very much, I reinstalled Java and it works, what does not work for me now is the Spout: S. When I put the command "/spout version" I get this:


    It does not work any of the plugins that I have installed Spout. Before where it says "Client Version" appeared a number, now appears "standard client" why?
  4. Offline


    Spout isn't recognised...try getting the latest spoutcraft build!
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    I have the latest version of Spoutcraft, the 769: S I downloaded it 2 days ago
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