[WIP] Fear the Reaper...

Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by ben657, Nov 3, 2011.

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    Not much to say about this at the min, but im working on a mod to turn you, the player, into the most feared of entities... the grim reaper!! >:D

    well okay, you might not become him in real life, or even get to look like him, but you get to use his scythe! and collect souls! and eat souls! and summon those souls back!

    Not much done yet, but i do have the scythe and soul system working, screenshots coming up! :D

    Scythe:[​IMG] CowSoul:[​IMG] CowScroll:[​IMG]

    Theres recipes for the scythe and scroll, when you right click with the scroll, you spawn a cow :D

    Screenshots (open)

    New Screenshot :D

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2016
  2. Offline


    Looks nice. Using SpoutCraft for custom items, I take it?
  3. Offline


    Yep exactly :) although that's causing some problems in making the scythe not infinite since durability just turns it to flint :p
  4. Offline


    Brings up an interesting point that I'd like to ask, as I'm planning on using custom items in the near future:

    How do these items handle on server restarts? Will they 'remain in the inventory'? Like, will Spout handle all of the inventory serialization automatically?
  5. Offline


    As long as the server is shut down nicely, yes they're saved as any other item, but if the server isnt stopped nicely (by which I mean with the stop command or similar) then they revert to whatever item they're made from in spout, a stone block or flint for blocks and items respectively. Hope that helps :)
  6. Offline


    It helps immensely.

    Hope you don't mind if I come back with a few questions today, as I'm working on integrating custom items with Spout and I'm not sure how easy/hard it will be based on the documentation

    All in PMs, of course. Don't want to spam the thread too much. :)
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