[REQEUST]This would be a famous plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by HunterDaApple, Nov 4, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Can somone make a cool cape plugin where you can edit the cape from the server and other people can see it? :)
  2. Impossible, bukkit is server side only.
  3. Offline


    What do you mean? it dosent have to be edited in game just give us a random cape of the owners choice.. its only for
    a private server aka 2 slot server.
  4. Im positive the capes are added to the user client-side what isnt controllable with Bukkit. You should read up on what client side and server side means to make it easier for yourself. Even if it was server side Bukkit dosent have any options for us to change capes anyway
  5. Offline


    This would require a client mod to be able to work.

    EG: New player textures are downloaded from a different loction on player 2 and player 1's end, meaning the textures in this location are used instead of the player's textures.

    EDIT: Sorry for double posting what lmc said. I posted at a similar time, without refreshing the page.
  6. Offline


    Client mod = SpoutCraft though, so Spout may do this.
  7. Offline


    Easy to do with Spout. Just use "Spout capes" as a bukkitdev search term
  8. Offline


    Yup, lots of plugins that do this using Spout + Spoutcraft.

    SpoutEssentials... Player Editor... SpoutPlayers... etc etc. An addon to actually edit a skin in-game and upload it somewhere could even be a possibility in the future.

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