How do I register INVENTORY_CHANGE events???

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by oxguy3, Oct 31, 2011.

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    In the Event.Type enums of org.bukkit.event, there are several enums for Inventory stuff - INVENTORY_CHANGE, _CLICK, _OPEN, etc. However, there doesn't seem to be any Listener able to handle these events. How can I monitor inventory changes if I can't just register these events to an InventoryListener???

    If it helps, I am trying to make sure that the player keeps an item in a certain slot (slot 0) of their inventory. I have to listen to stop them if they try to throw it out, move it, whatever.

  2. You use a player listener for PLAYER_INVENTORY_EVENT. I cannot find the enums you have posted.
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  4. The methods for those don't appear to be implemented yet. I can register them but the InventoryListener class only has methods for furnaces.
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    Try using Spout InventoryListener, works very well and doesnt need the client-side spoutcraft
  6. Offline


    InventoryListener does require a spout craft client for some of those events. Such as the inventory open event - this event will never trigger on the server if the user doesn't have a spout craft client.

    This is the whole reason i had to add an alternative method to claim your rewards in ChallengeMaps. Since non spout users couldn't trigger the inventory open event.
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    You dont need to use spoutcraft client to use the inventory listener, even the open event, only needs the plugin. I used it for a long time.
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    Actually, my project is going to require Spoutcraft anyway, so whether or not Spoutcraft is required for inventory events doesn't matter. Anyway, I don't need the inventory open events; I'm only watching to make sure an item doesn't get moved from its slot. Thanks so much everyone; Ima go read up on SpoutAPI's javadocs.
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