Plugin Development: Need help!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by cameron rees, Oct 30, 2011.

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    cameron rees

    I've recently (passed three months) have been learning how to program and feel I am doing quite well. Some of the things ive been trying to do require much more knowledge than I, myself, can complete... any way i could get an advanced programmer to help me, thus giving him full rights to the product, as well its ownership? I am not quite at the point yet where i want credit, i just want to see how things work still... I dont quite know where to start on this one, so if someone could PM me for the ideas, ill tell them so they can make the plugin then send me the Source! This would benifit them, and pull me a few more steps into the next level of programming! :D
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    So basically you want people to give you plugin ideas then we make it and send you the source?
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    Sagacious_Zed Bukkit Docs

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