isOp On Listener Help

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by lbjdaking23, Oct 30, 2011.

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    Are you sure, that you got the right item in hand and you
    made yourself OP?
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    Yes I have tried with multiple people on different servers.
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    Did you have them log out and back in? I had done player.setBanned(true); just to see what would happen and it said it got to that part of it (I had added System.out.println messages to see if it got to a certain part) but it didn't ban me. I then logged out and when I logged back in it said I was banned.

    Meh... just realized that you did have it kick... Back to messing around with it...
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    I got it working!
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    Alright, I was about to say that it seems to be working...
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