Looking for Admin to my server READ plz

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Kayrashy17, Oct 6, 2011.

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    I'm looking for an admin to my server, it's by tunngle so you can know how to connect registering here.
    I need and admin or a guy who can make for me the permissions and iConomy files, because i really cant make that! I try to let people use the command /spawn or /money but they really cant. With or without permissions i try lot of things, guides, but i don't understand...

    So if someone can help me please post here and add my skype: Kayrashy
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    You made it? But u didnt know the user names etc ... ._.
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    In permissions.yml there is a default group, I've put the permissions you want to this group so all new player can use it
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    Hm... So may can i chat with you in skype? or msn? I need some more help ^^' I'm a noob with that plugins (perms and icon)

    And users still without permissions to /spawn, but they can use /money :3
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    do you use commandbook or essential to /spawn ? I have put the commandbook permission sor if you use essential or another plugin to /spawn, it's why thay can't /spawn
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    Man, ok i tell u all i need -.- I use that plugins: AdvancedPail, Alerter, AuthMe, AutoMessage, ColorSheep, CraftBukkitUpToDate, GiveAll, HomeSpawnPlus, iConomy, iOP, MonsterBox, Pail, PermissionsEx, SuperSigns, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, AdminCmd, LWC, mcMMO

    I need know how to let some users use the signs to teleport with supersigns, for example, so thats why i need lot of help or teach

    I will put signs to sell things too so thats why i need to knowabout that
  8. Offline


    Ok, ....
    First, this is how to use PermissionsEx PEX: https://github.com/t3hk0d3/PermissionsEx/wiki/Commands
    you must use these commands into your console not in the game.

    There is always a default group, and all new player are added to this group, so if you want that new player can do some actions, you must add permissions to the default group.

    To do it, you need to know the permissions name, so you must go on the forum page of all your plugins and copy the permissions hat you want to gives to your new players.

    After simply follow the tutorial of PermissionsEx, so in your server's console, write:
    pex group default add "Permissions"
    (just replace "permissions" with the permission name without the quotes " !)

    (sry for my bad english :p)
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    haha no problem im gonna try. where u from?

    also i need to know if u can recommend me some plugins for shops or some things for iconomy :p

    EDIT : ok i add admincmd.spawn.tp (thats the spawn of admincmd) to the permissions.yml and then i use "pex group default addadmincmd.spawn.tp" on console. He can't :/
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    you must put a SPACE after add so write in the console :
    pex group default add admincmd.spawn.tp

    For shops, I use ChestShop, but there is a lot of good plugins !
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