[CHAT/MISC] [INACTIVE] LoginLogout - Custom login and logout messages! [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by omnee, Sep 9, 2011.

  1. Offline


    The Login and Logout Alerts
    Version: 0.4.1

    Hi guys... I finaly figured out +/- how to make plugins for bukkit and i did this one JUST FOR TESTING, I know that Bukkit has already added the Login and Logout messages, but, I made this plugin just to figure it out, and since I am now figuring out how this works I swear that I will update this plugin many times until it becomes a great plugin!

    Bukkitdev Page:



    • Login + Logout Alert
    • Op's Login + Logout Alert
    • Config.yml to costumize the alerts
    • Removes the default bukkit alerts
    • Coloured Alerts
    • Show the world where the player logged in (can set to true or false in the config.yml)
    • Use full commands
    To do:
    • Different alerts for users/groups
    • Permissions support
    • 0.1 - Basic Login + Logout Alerts (Says - "name" has joined/left the game to all players)
    • 0.1.1 - Basic Op/NoOp Login + Logout Alerts (When Op's login it now says - Op "name" has ... and when a normal player logs in it says - "name" has... (without Op))
    • 0.2 - Config,yml for costume messages and removes default bukkit alerts
    • 0.2.1 - Now you can add colours using default bukkit colours on the config file (colours that start with &, ex: &f(white) and &c(red)
    • 0.3 - Now when someone logs in / out it shows the world where the player logged in, can set to true or to false in the config.yml file.
    • 0.4 - Now you can set the config using commands (op only commands)
    • 0.4.1 - Fixed some bugs
    • changeplayerlogin - For op's only, changes the player login message
    • changeoplogin - For op's only, changes the op login message
    • changeplayerlogout - For op's only, changes the player logout message
    • changeoplogout - For op's only, changes the op logout message
    • changeplayerprefix - For op's only. changes the player prefix
    • changeopprefix - For op's only, changes the op prefix
    • changedefault - For op's only, changes all settings to default
    • loginlogout - For op's only, shows all available commands
    Never coming:
    • Works with 1.8, tested by Kirbyflys and pwnzerama


    • stelar7 (Fixing many errors/bugs and told me how to make config)
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    Flipsen, Cheesety210 and MrMagePk like this.
  2. Offline


    you mean prefix per player eh??
    those arent able yet. sorry ill try to make it as soon as possible
  3. Offline


    no no, an example, when ANY player quits :
    &c[-] &7player &equits

    now, when any player joins :
    &a[+] &7player &ejoins
  4. Offline


    I dont know what you mean! You already can do that...
  5. Offline


    This plugin is very useful and very simple and I like it very much. Thank you for taking the time to create it.
    However, recently, I had an issue arise that states that "The permission loginlogout.* is already defined!". This issue disallows the activation of the plugin. Weirdly, though, upon first starting the server, no error messages appear, but only the default login and logout messages come up. The error message about the permission comes when I attempt to reload the plugin. If anyone can help with this issue, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
  6. Offline


    I have discovered that the problem is that another plugin called PlayerStatus is programmed to customize the login and logout messages as well. This plugin is overriding LoginLogout and using its own customizable login and logout messages. Unfortunately, unlike LoginLogout, PlayerStatus cannot use colors nor can it make different messages for ops and for users and I cannot find a way to assign the loginlogout.* permission to LoginLogout instead of PlayerStatus. I have even tried removing PlayerStatus then re-inserting it with the hope that LoginLogout will overrule PlayerStatus because it came first. However, this was not the case. I would really appreciate help from anyone who may be able. I have removed PlayerStatus for now, but it has other features which I would really like to get back. Thank you in advance.
  7. Offline


    I will try to fix that... but I dont think there is a way cause both of the plugins disable the other login message
    My plugin stops the other plugin and the other plugin stops mine... bukkit messages will be shown then... if anyone know a fix for this please contact me and REALDrummer too
    Also working on a new plugin at the moment... this plugin is now inactive for a while :p

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