Infinite item kit plugin!!! :)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Xickle, Sep 30, 2011.

  1. Hey! :D
    I'm looking for somebody that could make an infinite item plugin that would work almost like a kit. :eek:
    For example: You get a diamond pick and armor, which would never destroy, with a command(or take them from a chest, etc.). But only a certain group has permissions to get this "kit", so if they drop the item on the ground it disappears, so another group member can't pick it up. ;)

    I've found a plugin that almost fits me, but it isn't updated and the author seems to have given up on it. :(
    And it's also lacking permissions support >.<
    Link to it:

    This plugin should be easy to make, since the author of the linked one claims it's his first java creation, and he already got pretty far with it :)

    Thanks for reading!! :D

    I see I wrote this in a pretty confusing way :confused:

    Feel free to ask if you don't understand something. I will clarify it :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2016
  2. Offline


    Yeah i was looking for something like this, where the person could be given unlimited torches for example.
  3. Yea that's a good example! I hope somebody who's interested in making this, sees the thread :D
  4. Offline


    me to :D
  5. Offline


  6. Making a server creative won't really help much, since I still want it in survival mode, but with some unlimited items, for certain groups only.

    Creative will just enable flying, give everybody infinite blocks, and completely change everything on my server :>
  7. Offline


    Essentials already has the /ul or /unlimited command built in.
  8. Thanks for the suggestion, but the Essentials plugin really does not fit me. :/
    It has too many stuff included in there that I'd never even use, so I hope it's possible to make a plugin that enables just the things listed on the first post :)
  9. Offline


    Yeah a plugin for just this would be better.
  10. Still looking for somebody to try making this :(
    I don't want the idea to go to waste :eek:
  11. Offline


    You know you can switch specified people to gamemode 1. So /gamemode <yourname> 1
    would only make YOU creative, not the entire server. So if you only did that to people you wanted to have the command It would work fine.
  12. Offline


    create mode will give flying and insta destroy too, he doesnt want that, has been sad already

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