[ADMN/SEC] AnnouncemenTNT v0.2 - A Simple TNT Announcer -- and more! [1240]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Banana937, Aug 18, 2011.

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    AnnouncemenTNT -- A Simple TNT Announcer -- and more!
    Version: v0.2​
    AnnouncemenTNT is a simple plugin that uses either Permissions (GroupManager) or the OP system to announce when someone places TNT (and other blocks). It is good for use in Survival servers, where TNT is not blacklisted, however you don't want it used for griefing!​
    • Simple -- no annoying frustrating configuration or blacklist
    • Supports Permissions
    • announcementnt.notify -- notify these users when TNT and other blocks are placed

    • Added Lava and Fire (Water will be added when I add the configurable blacklist because not everyone would want water blacklisted) -- Please suggest other blocks below
    • Release
    • SuperPerms support (Haven't tested yet)
    • Add exempt node
    • Add other blocks (v0.2)
    • Add configurable messages/blacklist
    Known Bugs:
    • None

    First plugin :D

    ALERT: I KNOW that this is a very common plugin to make, but I will be adding many features that differentiate mine from others.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  2. Offline


    I already have all three of those.
  3. Offline


    Most servers already use WorldGuard, just put the blocks you want in the blacklist.txt and use "notify".
  4. Offline


    I'm requesting you delete your comment. I'd rather you not advertise plugins on my thread.
    Sorro17 and Deleted user like this.
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    ... :rolleyes:
  6. Offline


    can you add coordinates that someone placed TNT ?
    I'd like to go to check the points.
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    Deleted user

    Does this work on RB 1337?
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    ... The cake is a lie.

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