[FUN] ServerGoblins 0.3.1 - They just want to help [935]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Pandarr, Jun 11, 2011.

  1. Offline


    ServerGoblins - They mean well!
    Version: v0.3.1

    ServerGoblins is a plugin that assigns an invisible goblin to each user on your server. The goblin does its best to try to help their master but sometimes they aren't the brightest. For more information, please refer to the Wiki.

    Currently the goblin may find some money a player has dropped and return it to them or surprise the player by picking up some of those torches the player recently placed down that long dark tunnel.

    If you have any suggestions for things the goblins might be able to do I can see about implementing them. Generally you want them to not be super annoying to your users.

    • Assigns a well meaning goblin to each user.
    • Supports iConomy 4 & 5, BOSEconomy, and Essentials Economy.
    • Supports Permissions 3 (should work on 2 but unsupported).
    • Fully localized. If you can translate it to another language, I can support it.
    Download plugin
    View Wiki (Configuration and Permissions information!)
    View Source

    These are estimates and always subject to change.
    Milestone list
    • 0.4.0 - On hold until after 1.7 compatible Bukkit is released.
    Changelog: Please refer to the Wiki for questions!
    Version 0.3.1
    • Updated Register due to new RB.
    Version 0.3.0
    • Fixed an issue with people appearing to have multiple goblins. (Thanks @Joy !)
    • Added two new events, StackFiller and DirtRemover.
    History (open)

    Version 0.2.1
    • Hopefully fixed NPE issue with ToolRepairer.
    • Added debug message for NPE issue when retrieving goblin name.
    Version 0.2.0
    • Added two new events, OreFinder and ToolRepairer.
    Version 0.1.3
    • Added new Permissions node, servergoblins.enabled, to enable goblin creation to fix NPE issue.
    Version 0.1.2
    • Fixed issue with config being overwritten.
    • Players will no longer receive goblin greetings if they have no access to events.
    Version 0.1.1
    • Added Money Thief event. Opposite of Money Finder.
    • Added admin node. Can see what event a user is on if any.
    Version 0.1.0
    • Initial version.
    • Basic functionality, meant in part for feedback and more ideas.
    • Money Finder and Torch Thief implemented.
    kahlilnc, Xaostica, Lauless and 2 others like this.
  2. Great news, this is unique!
  3. Offline


    sadly that was near on 2 weeks ago :(
  4. Offline


    Sorry, I had to focus on Herobrine, I'll have the build out today, it doesn't add new events, but it updates to latest build, runs a bit faster, and cleaned up some code.
    mrgreaper likes this.
  5. Offline


    I have a build ready, do you guys just want me to wait til 1.8 to release it so I can make sure it works with 1.8? Or do you just want it now?
    kahlilnc likes this.
  6. Offline


    If it doesn't add any events, there's really no benefit... :p
  7. Offline


    i have frozen all updating on my server untill 1.8 :) so waiting may be best ...... cheeky mode: gives you time to add a new event :p
  8. Offline


    Me and everyone on my server love this. I dunno why, but it feels nice to have a goblin greet you and find you coal, it feels like you aren't alone :p
  9. Offline


    the old one is working on 1.8 so im guessing yours will to :) i have had a goblin smell ore and give me some cash ....good goblin
  10. Offline


    How about an event where the goblin fires an arrow/egg/snowball at the nearest mob, and is triggered by swinging your sword? A positive 1 could be the nearest mob, the negative nearest player. (if none within 16 blocks, you!)
  11. Any fix for this perhaps?

    19:36:44 [INFO] Attempt to find goblin for "§eHank" failed.
    19:36:44 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    19:36:44 [SEVERE]       at com.pandarr.servergoblins.db.QueryCentral.getGoblinName(QueryCentral.java:26)
    19:36:44 [SEVERE]       at com.pandarr.servergoblins.ServerGoblins.getUserGoblin(ServerGoblins.java:199)
    19:36:44 [SEVERE]       at com.pandarr.servergoblins.task.GoblinEventManager.run(GoblinEventManager.java:70)
    19:36:44 [SEVERE]       at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftWorker.run(CraftWorker.java:34)
    19:36:44 [SEVERE]       at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)
    Citizens ^
  12. Offline


    Idea: make a Spout edition with help page , and let it be a troll character or anything if possible
  13. Offline


    This actually works on 1.0.0 is there any way I can get a permission nodes list?
  14. Offline


    tnt mining?
  15. Offline


    :( Its 1.1. :( Lol
  16. Offline


    Is there a way you could make it to where if the user doesn't vote for the server on minestatus.net, it's more likely to do bad things, but if you do vote, it's more likely to do good stuff?
  17. Offline


    NICE PLUGIN you should really make the goblin visual like a npc with a goblin skin (if you can, the npc is enough)
  18. Offline


    Wish someone would pick this up
  19. Offline


    Hey, Pandarr
    I have moved your plugin to the inactive subforum. You have not updated your plugin in awhile. If you choose to update in the future, make sure you've updated and tested your plugin with the latest RB. Then you can report your plugin (report button on the bottom of your post) saying that it has been updated. The plugin will get moved back ASAP as long as it matches the submission guidelines.

    Thank you :)
  20. Offline


    Pandarr was last seen: Apr 5, 2012, nuff said.

    Guy has given up, as his GitHub has been removed as well.

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