Can't Connect to Bukkit Server through School Wifi

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by FrankieJTKP, Sep 8, 2011.

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    OK, so I have a connection issue. I can login to the Minecraft server with my account and the start screen shows the

    Here is the scenario: I had to arrive at my university campus a few hours early today. (Metro State College of Denver, Auraria Campus, Denver, Colorado USA, if that has anything to do with it). My Bukkit server had been down for a few weeks while trying to fix a large TNT grief. I wasn't able to see if I was able to connect to it from campus before today, but when I click "Connect" on the multiplayer screen it says:

    "Connecting to the server..."

    Then quickly shows:

    "Failed to connect to the server

    Connection refused: connect"

    I made sure that the no-ip address was correct, I also entered the IP address directly with and without the :25565 forward. But no luck.

    I am not sure if there is a proxy or firewall or something to that effect that is stopping me from connecting as there are no site restrictions/blocks on the internet. However, I have noticed that Bittorrent doesn't work, but Skype and Yahoo Messenger do.

    I know that it's not a lot of information to go on, but I would appreciate any help and suggestions. If anyone has any ideas of things to check, programs to configure, or needs to know more info and can tell me how to check, please let me know.

    I hope someone can give me some ideas.

    By the way, if you want to you can check out our server, just follow the link and fill out and email us the "Request to Join" form and we will give you our IP


    EpicCraft RtJ link:
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    My hunch is that your school's wifi is blocking non standard ports, while minecraft user authorization is port 80, the standard http port. You can contact your campus IT team to see if they are blocking that port and if they are willing to open it, or get a list of ports they have open and use that port for your server.
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    Ok, so let me see if I understand you (I am computer-literate, more than most, but networking is new to me). Since the MC user Authorization port is the standard 80, it works fine, but because the 25565 is not, that means it wont connect right? So, I need to either have them open port 25565 or go back home and change the TCP and UDP forwarded ports from 25565 to something that isn't open? If so, what should I change it to (does it matter?), and will that affect connectivity since the standard port for MC is 25565? Will I need to change no-ip or use an alternate IP? I don't want to sound completely clueless, just trying to learn a bit. If the port is being blocked, I know the problem and can work a solution, though I'll have to wait until I get home to fix it. And a sinking suspicion is that I doubt campus IT will specially open a port or give me list unless I have authorization. I don't want to come off negative, I appreciate the suggestion, I will try to get it to work. Thank you for your help.

    OK, well I have sent an email to the IT department, now to play the waiting game. If they are allowed to give me the information, great, if not I will try to work around it. If I can't get a list, I will try switching the 25565 ports to 80 or 443, however I still need to go home to do it. It's be nice to get MC working from campus, I go Tuesdays and Thursdays, I arrive early in the morning but my first class is at 2PM; so I have too much down time for my ADD to handle, lol. Thank you for your help. I'll keep you guys posted to see if this is resolved.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  4. Offline


    One way you might be able to do it is have your router listen on 25565 and a standard port like 443 (some ISPs block incoming port 80). You might be able to set up your router to forward 25565 as is, and then forward port 443 to 25565 as well. I assume other players off your home network can access it no problem?
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    What a coincidence...I'm currently browsing bukkit from school internet. Suprised it isn't blocked. The problem is the school blocks the TCP or UDP packets.
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