[INFO] MCST v0.1.3 - xml export of server data + Win7Gadget [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by StateOfTheArt, Jul 26, 2011.

  1. Offline


    MCST v0.1.3
    Win7Gadget v0.1.3

    Download: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/36408000/MCST Gadgetv1.3.zip

    To provide an easy way to look up your server status or to see who is online, I created this plugin + Windows Sidebar Gadget. The mcst-plugin uses the server data to create a xml-file and updates it continuously.
    The idea is to use it on a dedicated server, but it should work on your home pc (as long as youre using a webserver). Once the MCST-plugin is installed you can share the gadget and the link to the xml file with your users.


    - Unzip the MCST.zip into your /plugins folder
    - Change the properties-file /plugins/MCST/MCST.prop
    so the xml is stored where you want it to be
     (make sure the current user is allowed to write in this location)
    - Run your server
    Example installation: Let's say your minecraft server is running on a linux os and you got an apache webserver running. Assuming your minecraft server is executed by the user MC the exact installation would look like this:

    - Unzip the MCST.zip into your /plugins folder
    - Change the property XmlLocation in /plugins/MCST/MCST.prop to /var/www/EXAMPLE/example.xml
    - Create a new folder in /var/www/EXAMPLE (mkdir EXAMPLE)
    - Add user MC as an owner of this folder (chown -R MC /EXAMPLE)
    - Run your server
    - You can check if the mcst plugin doing its job by opening the link (like www.xyz.xyz/EXAMPLE/example.xml or in your browser. You should see the raw xml.

    Installation (Gadget):
    - Click "install"
    - Go to "options" and change the link to the url of the xml-file.
    The xml-file needs to be provided by a webserver
    - just linking it to the local file doesn't work.
    Show Spoiler


    Version 0.1.3
    • exception handling got a little smarter
    • problems with second props folder fixed (thx to kiwz)
    • (Gadget) playerlist stops after 6 players
    • (Gadget) problem with false xml-data fixed

    Version 0.1.2
    • command "mcst" added (shows version)
    • removed the automatic broadcast of the server version
    Version 0.1.1
    • Encoding bug fixed. Xml wasn't always encoded in utf-8
    • mcst now saves the server port
    • (Gadget) Problem with empty tags fixed
    Version 0.1
    • First release
    Known bugs:
    • Gadget can't download xml from webservers, which don't use port 80 (for example http://anyhomepage.xyz:8123/example.xml ). This is some kind of security policy in js - I'll try to find a workaround.
    benning2009 likes this.
  2. Offline


    changelog missing, and using bold font sometimes would greatly help
  3. Offline


    does not work :)

    i done it in a webserver etc. etc. and all
    but it dont show the user online in the Sidebar :D

    is that because i have Windows Vista ;) ?
  4. Offline


    lol, maybe, but i doubt it, vista is pretty unreliable.
  5. Offline


    You didn't explain how to do this very well.

    This only works on your local PC? You can't use this on a Dedicated Server then use the plugin on your home PC?
  6. Offline


    The idea is to use it on a dedicated server, but it should work on your home pc (as long as youre using a webserver). For example: My dedicated server stores the xml in var/www. This is the main folder of my apache webserver - so i can reach my xml via http on www.MyHomepage.xyz/xml.xml. I gave the link and the gadget to all users of my server.

    The gadget itself is build in html/js. It uses a httpxmlrequest to download the xml file (this is why you need a webserver).

    The gadget should work on vista too, because the win7 sidebar didn't change that much - However I couldn't test it.

    I'll update the description soon, so it's easier to unterstand.
  7. Offline


    I ran the plugin and set the location to my /var/www (apache) directory and it didn't generate any .xml files.
  8. Offline


    Did you check your minecraft server for any exception? Btw: if your location is /var/www the property should look like XmlLocation=/var/www/example.xml

    You can check if the mcst plugin doing its job by opening the link (like www.xyz.xyz/xml.xml or in your browser. You should see the raw xml.
  9. Offline


    That WORKS :)
    it shows me the raw xml!

    Here the Link : http://mc-network.eu:8107/online.xml

    But the Sidebar won't work ... i mean it dont shows ;) the online players etc. only EMPTY
  10. Offline


    Seems to be a problem with the XmlHttpRequest (listed under known bugs). However I used your xml to locate two bugs and fixed them (thanks for that).
  11. Offline


    Wow great! (=

    this tool is awesome, now i can see when my BF is playing minecraft pretending to do some homework xD

    nice sweety
  12. Offline


    A new version is online. I'm still working on the port-problem (see known bugs).
  13. Offline


    Hey, Have you considered adding a Chat Monitor/Poster on it?
  14. Offline


    Why do this plugin create another folder "ServerStatusMC" when I allready have "MCST"?
    And why do I get "xampphtdocsmcMCSTExport.xml" in my Minecraft root directory in addition to "MCSTExport.xml" in my xampp web folder?
    Here is my MCST.prop file:
    #Edit this XML location, so it is accessable via HTTP
    #Sun Aug 07 11:47:05 CEST 2011
    XmlLocation= c:/xampp/htdocs/mc/MCSTExport.xml
  15. Offline


    Both are interesting bugs :D
    The second one can be fixed by changing it to: XmlLocation= C:/xampp/htdocs/mc/MCSTExport.xml

    It take a closer look on the first one soon.

    A good idea for a new feature.
  16. Offline


    Oh, I just need a BIG "C", thats okay enough. And for now I just need to ignore that it is two folders that MCST creates, hmm, okay.
    Your plugin is so awesome that I am gonna keep it even if it creates an extra folder ;)
    Thanks for making this and thanks for your answer.

    Btw, I do think your link is pointing to you older version 0.1.1, or maybe its just me, well, I managed to download v.0.1.2 anyway

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  17. Offline


    Well that's great to read. It's nice to know, that there people how are using this plugin (and liking it :) ) .

    Oh, you are right - Now it should be the right one.
  18. This doesn't work on Windows systems. I have Apache installed to C:\Apache\ with the server directory being C:\Apache\htdocs\FOLDER with full control permissions for both the user running the MC Server and the administrator.

    Your instructions seem to be made for UNIX operating systems and so the paths are different for Windows. Should we be using forward slashes or backslashes? The XML file is being created in the Minecraft root directory and is ignoring the configuration file.

    Also, as another user pointed out, the MCST plugins folder is being renamed to ServerStatusMC but the old MCST folder still remains.
  19. Offline


    I am using WIN7 and it is working perfect for me. I have configured both config files the same, and I used "/".
    Hope this is of some help for you
  20. Offline


    Sometimes I get this message in my console: " [SEVERE] Couldn't write XML " And the Gadget sayes "Server seems to be offline". Most of the time this do work as it suppose to. Btw, can I delete one of the two config folders MCST is creating?
  21. Offline


    Once there is an error, the plugin stops writing the xml. The idea is to stop throwing more and more errors of the same kind (happened before :) ). The gadget is watching the "tick" element of the xml - if this isn't updated, the plugin will think the whole server is offline.

    I'll fix all the problems, that were mentioned, but I can't name a exact date, since I've got a lot of other work to do.

    Yep, Java is ignoring the os-specific file delimiter and is always using "/" to separate folders and files.
  22. Offline


    I do think I have fixed the problem about the ekstra folder "ServerStatusMC".
    I did some re-writing of your plugin and got rid of the ekstra folder
    Here is your plugin with the fix I have made.
    I would appriciate if you could take your time to check it out and tell me what you think.
    Have a nice day.

    Attached Files:

  23. Offline


    Yep, thx for your fix (it is implemented in the new version).
  24. Offline


    Your plugin seems to be working PERFECT without any errors.
    I have testet it for about 48hours without ANY server restarts, and it worked all the way.
    The only thing is that you did actually not implement all the things I did to get rid of "ServerStatusMC" folder.
    I still have both "MCST" and "ServerStatusMC". (Well, I fixed it for myself again though)
    But the most important thing you did fix, so this is more than enough for me.
    Thanks for such a nice plugin.
    Take care :)
  25. Offline


    whenever I install the gadget.. it does do nothing.. I'm using win7 64bit..
  26. Offline


    me too
  27. Offline


  28. All i had to do was to move all data to the parent directory (eg mcst.gadget/mcst.gadget/data.* to /mcst.gadget/data.*

    Win7 (x64/x86) fixed Gadget: Download (Scan it if you don't trust me.)

    Also, Jar works fine with 1531.
    Only thing i didn't figure out until now was how to set a name for the Server, bc it always says unkown server. Well duh, im an idiot...

    @StateOfTheArt i was wondering you might be german? Stumbled upon some german vocab within the source of the widget oô

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