[INACTIVE][INFO] Statistician V1.3 - Extremely Detailed Player/Server Stats Tracking [953]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by ChaseHQ, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. Offline


      // Set your localization (language)
        define ('LOCALE', 'en');
    If this isnt it.. how can i be english XD
  2. Offline


    I had the same issue when I was upgrading O.O. This is how my config looks like after I upgraded ...

    Are you missing any part of this?
        define ('USE_MEGAMETERS', true);
        define ('USE_SKINVIEWER', false);
        // Set your localization (language)
        define ('LOCALE', 'en');

    If you aren't do this ....
    Go to ./statistician/statistician.php

    Find where it says ...

    require_once ('locale/' . LOCALE . '.php');
    to ...

    require_once ('locale/en.php');
  3. Offline


    Alright that fixed some of the things. Now look at this website for the next errors to fix, hope you can help?
  4. Offline


    Is there a connection to your MySQL database? You might want to double check your databse connection settings.
  5. Offline


    Its running with XXAMP. And it shows that MySQL is working... And i see the logging updating.

    Its running with XXAMP. And it shows that MySQL is working... And i see the logging updating.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    Okay. Now im getting that same error some people were getting..
    Statistician Web Interface could not acquire connection to Database
    Help? :/

    Having an error.. Not really sure what to do...
    [If not the error is: Statistician Web Interface could not acquire connection to Database.]
    database_name: minecraft
    database_address: localhost
    database_username: root
    database_password: *********
    database_port: '3306'
    database_update_time: '120'
        // This file should be updated with your Database Configuration
        // as well as other optional data
        define ('DB_SERVER'   , 'localhost');
        define ('DB_USER'     , 'root');
        define ('DB_PASSWORD' , '**********');
        define ('DB_NAME'     , 'minecraft');
        define ('DB_PORT'     , 3306);
        define ('SERVER_NAME', 'meaStats');
        define ('DATE_FORMAT', 'M jS Y\, \a\t g:i:s a');
        define ('USE_MEGAMETERS', true);
        define ('USE_SKINVIEWER', true);
        // Set your localization (language)
        define ('LOCALE', 'en');
    Sigh.. Please help me :/

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  10. Offline


    Its possible to add an ingame command?
  11. Offline

    tha d0ctor

  12. Offline


    you have forgott the utf8 charset in the <head> tag

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  13. Offline


    - 'Admin' mode (they can view, say, the xyz of placed blocks/kills etc.'
    This could add an element of anti-greif :)
  14. Offline


    Location of kills is being added in the new version, though I'm not sure about blocks because it's currently not stored that way right now. Not every block place/destroy is logged individually rather they simply increase counts of their placed/destroyed.

    Personally I would like to keep my admin and stats stuff separate. Though if Statistician incorporated something like LogBlock in it's web portal that could be possible rather than having another plugin store all block events.
  15. Offline


    You seem to know what you're talking about.. I had to rewrite major parts of the config.php/statistian.php to get this working. Can you explain why this is happening:

    Curently Online (4) : ABS0LUTI0N Blazergamer112 Killer_Pepper Sayshal

    Server Statistics (View Player List)
    Registered Players:46
    Maximum Players Ever Online At Once:8 - on - WedAMCESTE_August+0200RAugAMCEST
    Lifetime Number of Logins:626
    Time Played Total:5 day(s) 4 hr(s) 43 min(s) 45 sec(s)
    Server Current UpTime:2 hr(s) 34 min(s) 32 sec(s)
    Server Last Startup:TuePMCESTE_August+0200RAugPMCEST
    Server Last Shutdown:TuePMCESTE_August+0200RAugPMCEST
    More timestamp errors on most pages..
  16. Offline


    Blocks still register as being picked up when you are using NoPickup (VanishNoPickup). (Running bukkit 1000).
    Within a few minutes of testing I already had "Total Items Picked Up: 587991 Items"
  17. Offline


    So you referred me to this plugin a while back and it was a much better alternative to what I was using, but I'm really hoping to get some info on when we can see this plugin updated! I'm currently working on a PHPBB xenFORO and SMF addon to integrate this plugin. I hope you can let me know how it's going. Thank's anyway ~MadcowD.
  18. Offline


    Als Tipp, für Deutsche, die ein Problem mit den Umlauten haben.
    Einfach die index.php aufmachen und folgedes nachträglich einfügen->
    header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
    sieht dann so aus:
    require_once ('statistician/statistician.php');
    $sObj = new STATISTICIAN();
    $serverObj = $sObj->getServer();
    header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
    Schwups werden die Umlaute wieder normal angezeigt (bei mir auf jedem Fall)
  19. Offline


    Question: If I change every instance of a player's name in the database with a different player, will all of that player's stats be carried over to the new player? I am using a new account name and want my old stats on my new character.

    EDIT: Nevermind, just tested it by only changing the name of the player in the "players" table and it worked perfectly. :)
  20. Offline


    Seeing this on startup:

    Show Spoiler

    2011-08-06 18:28:24 [INFO] [Statistician] CALL mcstats.pluginStartup(); :: Stored Procedure Failed, Checking Connection
    2011-08-06 18:28:24 [INFO] [Statistician] Connection is still present... It may of been a malformed Query ?

    and this spewed out every so often:

    Show Spoiler

    2011-08-06 18:32:24 [INFO] [Statistician] CALL mcstats.incrementPickedup('897ce32e-23a9-4887-9fa1-01a16766a517','328','1'); :: Stored Procedure Failed, Checking Connection
    2011-08-06 18:32:24 [INFO] [Statistician] Connection is still present... It may of been a malformed Query ?

    DB details are correct, web side (served through apache2) with same DB settings in config.php works fine. I did migrate the DB (using mysqldump) so I'm thinking perhaps it lost something in the transition? I'll start digging through code, but wondering if maybe it's just missing a procedure it needs (that somehow got lost in the move)? Maybe the plugin could check for missing procedure on startup and populate it if that's the case?

    ** UPDATE ** apparently the procedures were NOT preserved when using mysqldump. I managed to find the plugin DDL in your Database/SQLPatches directory (thanks for posting source) and just applied the procedures to the new DB - it seems to be working good now.
  21. Offline


    What if, your an idiot and have no idea how to set up an SQL Database? I'd really like to use this but I can't figure out SQL because it seems like there are millions of different ways to set about doing everything. So is there a guide that shows the best way to do it for this plugin? The php stuff I can probably figure out. And the page I can definitely figure out. I just can't wrap my mind around SQL.

    Just point me in the right direction mates.
  22. Offline


    Cool Statistic! :)
    Here is my russian local file, please add it.

    Attached Files:

  23. Offline


    I have problems with the date format.
    M jS Y\, \a\t H:i:s
    This works but the time is 2 hours behind, and i cannot find a solution for it.
    Can somebody help me?
  24. Offline

    Largo Usagi

    I just wanted to say this is a great plugin and it works great. I have been hacking up the libraries to turn them into a drupal 7 plugin. If you want to add a link of another example of what can be done with the plugin


    I had to strip down the CSS and tweak some code to handle not being in a folder because how how drupal was handling it as a library but I very happy with the results and would like to say job well done.
  25. i have the same problem as some other ppl here with the "Statistician Web Interface could not acquire connection to Database"
    I have the mysql db and webserver on the same machine, i have installed the xampp pack wich installed the php thingie at the same time, i updated pear with pear-update.bat and i have checked my connection settings a million times =(
    here is my config.php
    	// This file should be updated with your Database Configuration
    	// as well as other optional data
        define ('DB_SERVER'   , 'localhost');
        define ('DB_USER'     , 'blabla');
        define ('DB_PASSWORD' , 'blabla');
        define ('DB_NAME'     , 'statistik');
        define ('DB_PORT'     , 3306);
        define ('SERVER_NAME', 'Pimpens minecraft server');
        define ('DATE_FORMAT', 'M jS Y\, \a\t g:i:s a');
        define ('USE_MEGAMETERS', false);
        define ('USE_SKINVIEWER', true);
    // Set your localization (language)
        define ('locale', 'en');
    and here you have the phpinfo.php



    I have no idea what to look after, i know that my minecraftserver can connect to my mysql server and it updates the databases correct.

    i cant see anything in mysql log files, it seems like it wont even try to connect to mysql =(

    I hope you can help me, thanks in advance


    EDIT: For some reason i got it to work by moving config.php, _playerObj.php,_ServerObj.php and query_utils.php to a new folder in statistician and change this in statistician.php :
    require_once ('test/config.php');
    require_once ('locale/en.php');
    require_once ('test/_serverObj.php');
    require_once ('test/_playerObj.php');
    require_once ('test/query_utils.php');
    hmm alcohol is good when you are trying to fix things =P
    pengh likes this.
  26. I cannot for the life of me get it to actually connect to the SQL database. I've tried 2 databases now and many ways of entering the data with ""'s without, with ' 's etc...none worked, for both database's.

    The data base is external. I have iConomy and LogBlock running on it fine. I used the same details as their config files. But Stati' wont connect to the database.

    Config was in the wrong place ^^'
  27. Offline


    What to do? CB 1000 i think..
    09:28:19 [SEVERE] Could not pass event ENTITY_DEATH to Statistician
            at com.ChaseHQ.Statistician.Listeners.StatisticianEntityListener.onEntityDeath(StatisticianEntityListener.java:27)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$59.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:656)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:58)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:332)
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityPlayer.die(EntityPlayer.java:141)
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.damageEntity(EntityLiving.java:391)
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityHuman.damageEntity(EntityHuman.java:436)
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityPlayer.damageEntity(EntityPlayer.java:179)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(NetServerHandler.java:728)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.chat(NetServerHandler.java:677)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:670)
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(Packet3Chat.java:33)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:226)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:85)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:451)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:361)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
  28. Offline


    This probably doesn't have to do with your plugin, but I figured I would ask anyways. I know nothing about PHP and need a little help...
    I guessed that the file I should use as the Statistics link on my homepage should be the index.php file you included. So, I made a link in my Navigation bar that links to statistician_web/index.php from my web root. Upon clicking that link, I get a download link for the PHP file, but no PHP page. I installed PHP5, MySQL (obviously lol), and Apache2. Could it be that it it isn't parsing the PHP file? If so, how the hell do I enable it? I installed all the requirements from the apt-get repositories, and all the information I can find provides tutorials on compilation...

    I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 BTW. I do all my work from the command line. Thanks for any assistance!

    EDIT: Turns out my Mumble server wasn't specifying the correct ICE slice. It was messing up PHP5 for some reason... Fixed now.
  29. Offline


    apt-get install update
    apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5
    apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql
    apt-get install phpmyadmin
    /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
    should work, and phpmyadmin should help with SQL management

    ohh and um getting this error every time something is killed

    18:44:20 [INFO] [Statistician] CALL stats.newKill('999','18','10','-1','0','','e
    0f75e3c-9204-441c-b250-387be2228568'); :: Stored Procedure Failed, Checking Conn
    18:44:20 [INFO] [Statistician] Connection is still present... It may of been a m
    alformed Query ?
    Could be that the kill table is messed up :/

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  30. Offline


    So you have your web server connecting to the database now and it works? I reproduced your steps of moving those files to a new folder and changing the statistician.php file and it still says it can't connect :/

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