[Req] Auto lock for chests/doors

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by jimbo8, Aug 1, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I want a plugin that if you place a chest, it gets auto locked. If you place a door it gets auto locked too. But, if you want any other to open it, here is a example.
    Test1 is going to live with Test2.

    Then Test2 places a door, Test1 can't open it.

    Then, Test2 writes /aod Test1 .(Wich means, Allowopendoor)

    Later, Test1 places a chest that he wanna share with Test2.

    Then, Test1 writes /aoc Test2 .(Which means, Allowopenchest)

    That's what i need. Thanks. - jimbo8 :)
  2. Offline


    I'm not a developer but I can see a way of handling this.

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    1. Using the Lockette API, the plugin that will place a sign that locks the container to the owner.
    2. The plugin will contain the following aliases :
      • /allow $username = /lockette 3 $username
      • /lock = /lockette 3
      • /unlock = /lockette 3 [Everyone]

    This will do the job I guess. I do not have the SDK nor the knowledge, so I'd appreciate if someone could do it.
  3. Offline


    No, i don't want that. I want so you just place it. Then it closes.
  4. Offline


    You can use LWC. configure the locks in the core.yml file, and then set them to auto-private. There you go.
  5. Offline


    Did you even read my post? I want to write that command to make other peoples able to open it.
  6. Offline


    There is a command for that with LWC...
  7. Offline


    Can't find that command.
  8. Offline


    /lwc -m (-)username

    So if you want to add test2 to open your chest:
    /lwc -m test2

    If you want to remove test2 later from your chest:
    /lwc -m -test2
  9. Offline


    What he said ^.^
  10. Offline


    Maybe if you actually searched and read up on plugins thoroughly before requesting stuff that already exists then you may have found that command. Seriously, there are too many of the same plugins :/
  11. Offline


    Lol, dude, i searched and i couldn't find it.

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