[INFO] Entity Moved Wrongly!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by dreadiscool, Jun 28, 2011.

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    Somehow, and I don't even know the reason why, every time I start my server, the console gets spammed with 'Entity.(some entity here, never a player) moved wrongly!'

    Players cannot even log onto my world anymore :L

    Any help would be appreciated.
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    I had a problem with a wrong entity actually :p.
    The server probably messed up when shutting down, and something got misplaced.
    Try finding the chunk and fixing it, or use Chunkster, or what I did: McEdit ^-^
    Using McEdit, the entity was in a chunk that lagged up McEdit. D'you know what the entity is?
    (Note: I'm not sure if Chunkster'll work for this. Sorry if this doesn't help any...)
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    help it didnt work :(
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    delete mcedit?
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