Eclipse Plugins - What do you use?

Discussion in 'Resources' started by Pandarr, Jun 26, 2011.

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    eGit - For moving code between local git and github.
    GitHub Mylyn Connector - Allows me to view GitHub issues from within Eclipse. Can update, edit, close, reopen, etc. Also if you put stack traces into the issues tracker it will let you click on the and bring you right to it. Quite nice!

    PMD - Static analysis tools. Points out possible issues with your code or bad practice.
    FindBugs - Similar to PMD but mostly finds legitimate bugs.
    CheckStyle - I don't run this one too often. But can be helpful from time to time.

    m2Eclipse - I'm still trying to get this working to be honest.... but integrates Maven into Eclipse.

    Issues tracker: [​IMG]
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