Inactive [SEC/ADMN/EDIT] TPack v3.6 - Now with cuboid zone protection and OP Support! [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Tuna, Feb 13, 2011.

  1. Offline


    TPack - Now has cuboid zone protection!
    Version: v3.6

    Now Supports OP or PermissionsBukkit and CraftBukkit 1060!!

    Follow me on Twitter for latest updates!!/Tuna_Mods

    TPack (stands for Tuna's Pack) is a multi-tool add-on package. It contains mods for selecting/filling/deleting cuboids, creating and protecting massive cuboid zones, boomstick mode for rapidly clearing blocks, modifying the server time, giving items by name and quantity instead of data values, and clearing player inventory!

    All TPack commands require OP privileges or PermissionsBukkit to be installed and setup properly! Download PermissionsBukkit:

    TPack takes a lot of time to maintain and support!!
    Feel free to Donate if you wish! As a starving college student it keeps me alive and coding :p


    Cuboid mode up and running! (Now with zone protection!):

    • "/cuboid <on|off>" enables/disables cuboid mode. When player has selection tool equipped can hit block to set points 1 and 2 sequentially. Selection tool is specified in settings.txt file.
      • The two points you select (A and G) select the surrounding cubes in a square formation, like in the picture above.
    • "/cfill <block ID | block name>" fills selected cuboid with specified material (item names/item ID's in items.txt)
      • Examples: "/cfill wood" /cfill obsidian" "/cfill 5" "/cfill 18"
      • The material names correspond to the item codes in your items.txt
        • You can add custom names for items! Say you want "bob" to refer to grass blocks. Simple add "bob:02" to the bottom of your settings.txt file. Now whenever you type "/cfill bob" it will use grass! This also adds it to your give command as well so players can use "/give bob" to give grass.
    • "/cfaces <block ID | block name>" fills the selected cuboids walls, creating a room
    • New Wool Features!
    • Version 2.2 adds the ability to fill with colored wool! Simple use "/cfill wool <color | color ID>" or "/cfaces wool <color | color ID>" where the colors and ID's are:
      • 0 - white
      • 1 - orange
      • 2 - magenta
      • 3 - lightblue
      • 4 - yellow
      • 5 - lightgreen
      • 6 - pink
      • 7 - gray
      • 8 - lightgray
      • 9 - cyan
      • 10 - purple
      • 11 - blue
      • 12 - brown
      • 13 - darkgreen
      • 14 - red
      • 15 -black
        • examples "/cfill wool black" "/cfill wool 15" "/cfill 35 15" "/cfaces wool 15" will all fill the selected area with black wool.
    • "/cclear" clears the selected cuboid (fills it with air)
    • New Features! Zone protection and cuboid saving!
    • "/ccreate <cuboid name>" creates and saves a cuboid from the players selected points
    • "/cdelete <cuboid name | all | owned>"
      • If cuboid name is specified deletes the cuboid
      • If all is specified deletes all cuboid zones
        • requires permission to 'tpack.cuboid.deleteall'
      • If owned is specified deletes all cuboids the player owns. (None of these commands effect the blocks in the zone)
    • "/csave" forces a save of all cuboid zones. This happens automatically every time the server shuts down.
    • "/clist" displays a list of all cuboid zones
    • "/clistowned" displays a list of all cuboid zones that the player owns
    • "/cselect <cuboid name>" selects cuboid with the specified name
    • "/cselect x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2" will select the cuboid with <x1,y1,z1> being point A and <x2,y2,z2> being point G in the picture above.
      • X and Z values are the horizontal values while Y is vertical up and down.
    • "/cprotect <cuboid name> <true | false>" protects the selected cuboid, preventing blocks from being destroyed, set on fire, or placed within the cuboid. Protection must be set to 1 in settings.txt. Must be the owner of the cuboid to change this value.
    • "/isprotected <cuboid name>" displays the protection state of the specified cuboid.
    • "/addallowed <cuboid name> <player name>" grants player the ability to modify blocks within a protected cuboid.
    • "/removeallowed <cuboid name> <player name>" removes players ability to modify blocks within a protected cuboid.
    • "/getallowed <cuboid name>" Displays list of users allowed to modify the specified cuboid.
    • "/cowner <cuboid name>" Displays the owner of the specified cuboid.
    • "/listcuboid" lists the coordinates of the two points of the cuboid in <x,y,z> format
    • "/ctime <dawn | sunrise | morning | day | midday | noon | afternoon | evening | sunset | dusk | night | midnight>" changes world time to specified time.
    • "/boomstick <on | off>" enables/disables boomstick mode. When player has wood stick equipped can destroy blocks very rapidly. Great tool for clearing blocks. Call "/boomstick" for status.
    • "/cgive <block ID | Block Name> <quantity> <optional: player name>" where name is the name of the material in "settings.txt" or the item ID and quantity is the number you want. If quantity is not specified it defaults to 1. If player name is specified will give the specified item and quantity to the player specified (requires permission!)
    • "/clearinv" empties the player's entire inventory.
    • settings.txt file must be placed in "plugins/TPack". Names of the items in the file can be replaced with whatever you wish as long as the number matches the item found on the Minecraft Wiki Data values page (
    • Put "TPack.jar" in the plugins directory under your root directory
    • "settings.txt" must be in "plugins/TPack"
    Permissions Setup:
    • Be sure to add the required lines to your permissions config.yml file. The permissions are:
      • 'tpack.boomstick' - for boomstick
        • /boomstick
      • 'tpack.cuboid' - for enabling/disabling cuboid and other cuboid commands
        • /cuboid , /getallowed, /listcuboid, /isprotected, /cowner
      • 'tpack.cuboid.fill'
        • /cfill, /cfaces
      • 'tpack.cuboid.clear'
        • /cclear
      • 'tpack.cuboid.create'
        • /ccreate
      • 'tpack.cuboid.delete'
        • /cdelete
      • 'tpack.cuboid.deleteall' - This gives permission to delete ALL CUBOIDS.
        • /cdelete all
      • 'tpack.cuboid.listall'
        • /clist
      • 'tpack.cuboid.listowned'
        • /clistowned
      • ''
        • /cselect
      • 'tpack.cuboid.addallowed'
        • /addallowed
      • 'tpack.cuboid.removeallowed'
        • /removeallowed
      • ''
        • /cprotect
      • ''
        • /csave
      • 'tpack.time'
        • /ctime
      • 'tpack.items.give'
        • /cgive <item name | item ID> <quantity>
      • 'tpack.items.giveall'
        • /cgive <item name | item ID> <quantity> <player>
      • 'tpack.items.clear'
        • /clearinv
    • Adding 'tpack.*' will give access to all commands
    • Download permissions here:
    Settings.txt setup/explaination:

    The newest version of TPack replaces the old items.txt with a new file called settings.txt that allows you to customize TPack to your liking. Here are the fields and their meanings:
    • permission-nofity
      • 0 means the player will not be notified if they don't have permission to use a command (good if you don't like getting spammed with "You don't have permission!"
      • 1 means the player will be notified (default)
    • give
      • 0 means all give commands will be disabled. Useful if you prefer other plugins for give commands and don't want TPack to interfere
      • 1 means all give commands will be enabled
    • time
      • 0 means all time commands will be disabled. Useful if you prefer other plugins for time commands and don't want TPack to interfere
      • 1 means all time commands will be enabled
    • selectiontool
      • value corresponds to the Item ID of the item you want to be your selection tool. Default is Item ID: 269 which is a wooden shovel
    • protection
      • 0 means all protection features will be disabled. If you do not want to use protection features then make sure this is set to 0!! It will greatly improve performance
      • 1 means protection features will be enabled
    • ops
      • 0 means TPack will use PermissionsBukkit for checking permission to use a command. This mode REQUIRES PermissionsBukkit to be installed and configured correctly.
      • 1 means TPack will check if the player is an OP for permission. This way does not require PermissionsBukkit. If a player is OP then they will have access to ALL commands!

    When posting about errors:

    If you encounter an error in TPack, feel free to post it here and I will try to help solve the problem. However when you post, be sure to include the following information or I will ignore your request!
    • What command you issued that caused the error
    • What happens in game when the error occurs (what happens to the blocks, what is displayed on your screen, etc..)
    • Terminal output from the server during the time of the error
    • Verify you have the latest version of Java/CraftBukkit server before posting
    Thanks guys! It is simply too hard to keep up with all the posts if I have to ask everyone these qeustions.

    Download TPack

    Update to the latest version if you haven't already!!

    (Click on slow download on the right to download for free)


    Attached to this post (all files in zip file).


    Version 3.6
    • Added support so users can now use MineCrafts internal OP system instead of PermissionsBukkit. See the section on setting up the settings.txt file for more information. If ops is set to 1 in settings.txt a player must be an OP to use any TPack commands. If they are an OP they will have access to ALL commands.
    • Changed /give and /time commands to /cgive and /ctime to avoid conflict
    • Updated settings.txt file to include all new items (pistons, grass, etc...)
    Version 3.5
    • Updated code to work with CraftBukkit 1060
    • Complete overhaul of code structure. Users can now create larger Cuboid zones without crashing the server. (Server will still crash if you do MASSIVE zones, but range has been greatly expanded)
    Version 3.0
    • Updated code to work with CraftBukkit v860. Also added new megaupload and rapidshare mirrors. More features to come.
    Version 2.3

    • Added more options to settings.txt file to disable/enable "give" and "time"
      • If you use other mods for /give and /time commands you can now simply change give or time to 0 in you settings.txt file and it will disable the functionality in TPack.
    • Added the ability to give items to other players
      • "/give stone 5 Tuna" will give player with name Tuna 5 stone. See command description above for more detail. Requires permission to 'tpack.items.giveall'
    Version 2.2
    • Updated "/time" command to use new values instead of old number values
    • Added the ability to fill areas with colored wool using "/cfill" and "/cfaces" see documentation for instructions.
    • Several bug fixes, more optimized code.
    Version 2.1
    • Updated code to support the latest recommended build, #602 [Jenkins].
    • Added several bug fixes in the "/give" and "/cfill" commands.
    Version 2.0
    • Added cuboid zone protection! This handy and easy to use feature allows you to select massive zones and save/protect them! This allows you to setup areas where only certain players can build/break. Great for areas you don't want attacked by griefers.
    • Added new 'settings.txt' file with tons of customization features. You can now specify which tool you want for cuboid selection as well as enable/disable cuboid protection features. Be sure to read the explaination of settings.txt above!
    • Added '/cfaces' to build rooms from cuboid zones.
    • Word of Caution:
      • If you are working on a MASSIVE cuboid zone and you want to use "/cfill /cfaces/ or /cclear" make sure you do it BEFORE protecting the zone. Some times the server becomes unstable if you fill a MASSIVE protected zone.
    Version 1.4
    • Added the ability to select cuboids by coordinates! Great for selecting massive zones. Read documentation for "/cselect"!
    • Added support for item ID numbers in the "/give" command. Players can now use "/give item# quantity" where the item number is the value found on the Minecraft Wiki Data values page (
    • Updated items.txt file to contain all current items (as of v1.3)
    • Updated to support permissions 2.4 (Permissions is REQUIRED for TPack to work currently).
    Version 1.3
    • Fixed critical bug introduced in v1.2 (due to my fast&loose coding :p ) in which all the system variables for cuboid and boomstick were shared with every player. If one player set coordinates in cuboid then all players had them selected, and if one player enabled cuboid/boomstick then all players had it enabled. This only applied to people setup in your permissions file to use the commands. The behavior has been fixed in this version
    Version 1.2
    • Added full support for permissions v2.0. Don't forget to add the permission entries to config.yml! See Installation Instructions above.
    Version 1.1
    • Added full Cuboid functionality, player can now select/delete/fill large cuboids
    • Added better documentation for /time command
    Version 1.0
    • First release, description and download location are above. Please post bugs/questions/comments in the replies and I will be happy to oblige :)

    Attached Files:

    stickman1998 and Steve Cole like this.
  2. Offline


    First off all this is external mod that has nothing to do with bukkit, so there is no way I can do anything with it. Secondly you have still failed to tell me how its not working with it or what you even want me to do lol.

    TPack does not support reloading yet unfortunately. Simply restart the server by issuing the "Stop" command and re launching it.
  3. Offline


    oh yeah my bad it just doesnt spawn me the item untill i disconnect and reconnect I dont get any server errors
  4. Offline


    Is it possible to add a command to limit the quantity of players in a cuboid ?
  5. Offline


    Hey when i try to use /cprotect it gives me errors...
    i selected the area and allowed my name to modify it.
    please help me.
  6. Offline


    Yeah the TooManyItems mod doesn't interact with Bukkit since it is a 3rd party mod. It wouldn't dump anything into the console if it errors.

    I'll look into it :D It'll be pretty resource intensive since it'd have to get the locations of every player and constantly check if they are in the cuboid zone. It could crash the server if too many people are on, but I'll check out what it'll take.

    Again, please read the section on posting about errors. What is the EXACT command you are issuing that is throwing the error. What are your OS/Java/CraftBukkti version. What is the error? The command is "/cprotect <cuboid name> <true | false>" so if the cuboid is named 'foo' the command would be '/cprotect foo true'
  7. Offline


    Is there anyway for you to release this with permissions optional?
  8. Offline


    Yeah, Permissions simply makes things easier. I've been working on implementing this for awhile, it just takes time
  9. Offline


    Okay great, btw is there any chance we could talk on skype or something, because I have been trying to get permissions but its not working out?
  10. Offline


    Does this work with Defaultcommands? becuase everytime i try to go /cuboid it brings up a command from there.
  11. Offline


    I'm open on Skype anytime I can help you fix Permissions.
    Or on here you can PM me whenever.

    No you have to have permissions to be given the permission to use Tpack's commands.
  12. Offline


    Could you possibly implement copy/paste commands in the next update?
  13. Offline


    Thanks alot for all your help again Mr. Chef!!

    Yeah I have already written this in but the features are disabled. Currently with the way TPack processes areas if you tried to copy/paste a sizable chunk it runs the risk of taking up all the server memory and crashing the server. I am still working on adding either a size limit or optimizing the way TPack works (been at that for weeks now!)
  14. Offline


    Hello there,
    I am using this plugin but im having issues with the /give and /time
    With give and time as 0 or 1, i am still unable to give myself or any player items. When i try to change the time, it says time set but the time doesnt appear to change(eg in the evening i use /time day and the chatbox will say time set but time doesnt change at all. It still goes to night.)

    Please help me with this and ill be glad to provide any missing information to help solve this. Thanks in advance.
  15. Offline


    I really have no idea how to do this, is it possible that someone could make a video tutorial with all the steps including permission, preferably on a mac but either way. Thanks
  16. Offline


    My error is it simply doesn't work it's installed correctly
    • What command you issued that caused the error i try to do /cuboid on...
    • What happens in game when the error occurs (what happens to the blocks, what is displayed on your screen, etc..) Nothing except saying Unknown Console command.
    • Terminal output from the server during the time of the error Unknown Console command. (nothing in actual terminal)
    • Verify you have the latest version of Java/CraftBukkit server before posting Yes i do!
  17. Offline


    Well since you have give and time set to 0, this means that all give and time functionality will be disabled within TPack. Set both of the values to 1 and you can use /give and /time commands. If they are set to 0 and you are using another plugin that has /give and /time commands then there isn't anything I can help you with there unfortunately.
    This is a user created video that I had no part in. It's in a different language but watching it you can at least see how to install it. Use the video along with the instructions, it's fairly simple.

    Since nothing is happening then TPack isn't setup correctly. Verify TPack.jar is in your plugins directory and the TPack folder is there as well and contains cuboids.dat and settings.txt . Since it simply is saying "Unknown Console Command" this means TPack isn't loading at all. Could you post the console output from when you start the server? It will be useful in determining what is going on in the background.
  18. Offline


    Even though I am set 0 or 1 in the settings.txt file for /time and /give, I still am unable to do any of the above. Since there might be conflicts with other /time and /give, I would suggest renaming it to maybe /ctime and /cgive.
  19. Offline


    Help! Okay when I select my points I type in /ccreate market it says I need to select 2 points to do that, which i do already the ntype that... what am I doing wrong?
  20. Offline


    Please see the section on posting about errors. Is there any terminal output during the time of the error? You must have cuboid enabled and when you hit the points it should display a message in-game when the points are selected. Do you receive these messages? Also after you select your points type /listcuboid , it should display the coordinates you have selected. If it does not display 2 sets of coords then you know something is wrong.
  21. Offline


    Hey man I started my server back up for my friends and I. We all love Tpack and it would be great if you could update it :)
  22. Offline


    Is it updated for 1000?
  23. Offline


    For some reason my cuboids are not saving when ever i turn off my server like its supposed to. Please help me.
  24. Offline


    why i cant make cuboid in cuboid? IT SUX! :( i cant sell houses in my town ;/
  25. Offline


    Are you using 1.7.3 or a 1.6 server?

    Tpack is aware of this idea and he has added it to the list of his "to do"

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016
  26. Offline


    Programming has resumed! Sorry for the long break. Started working 40 hours a week and the last thing I want to do when I get home is program more haha. I have resumed work expect an update within a week.
  27. Offline


    can u update this plugin for #1000 ?
  28. Offline


    This error appears sometimes and i don't know why and what it makes.

    Can you help me?

    17:50:06 [SEVERE] Could not pass event BLOCK_DAMAGE to TPack
    at com.thelair.tuna.tpack.TbListener.onBlockDamage(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.callBlockDamageEvent(
    at net.minecraft.server.ItemInWorldManager.dig(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet14BlockDig.a(SourceFile:42)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
  29. Offline


    i got this error code:

  30. Offline


    alright so i dowloaded this and it worked once then this came up
    when typed in "/cprotect test" test was what a named the cuboid
    this appeared on my screen " an internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command"
    the terminal output was "Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExeption: 1
    and i have the latest java and Tpack
    please help
  31. Offline


    Hey i am having some trouble with the TPack plugin as u might have guessed. First of all, right after i have put the far file at the Tpack folder in my plugins folder my "/give command and my "/time command" doesn´t work either, second, i can´t even turn on the cuboid ting, when i write "/cuboid on" it says: "an internal error occured while attempting to perform this command" My problem reminds a little of the dude up over me... the command worked once then it said the internal error thingy

    The terminal output
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'cuboid' in plugin TPack v3.0
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at com.thelair.tuna.tpack.TPack.onCommand(
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    ... 12 more

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