Protection plugin needed

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Kagari, Jun 17, 2011.

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    I need a nice area protection plugin that allowes me those features:
    - Zone in Zone (example: town <- in there a house)
    - Highprotection (bedrock to sky)
    - pvp disabling
    - monster disabling
    - Can make a area without anything (without protection or anything)

    Please do not post WorldGuard, thx

    if there is one, than please post me a link, thx :)
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    I wanted to make a area were is inside protected, but you can leave it. So like this
    - - - - - - -
    - i i i i i -
    - i i i i i -
    - i i i i i -
    - - - - - - -

    so the "i" is 1 area called: x
    and the "-" is the 2nd area called: y

    x is normal area
    y is preventing entry

    can i do something like that, so a person can only stay in area "x"? Like that it checks the newest area?
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