Filled Anvil edits item NBT data

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by souperdudeman, Apr 22, 2020.

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    Category: Mechanics
    Version: 1.15.2
    Name: CheaperEnchants

    What I want: When any item is put in an anvil, the nbt data of that item would be changed such that the tag called "RepairCost = (value)" is changed to "RepairCost = (0)". So if a diamond picaxe with nbt data including a "RepairCost = (14)" is placed into an anvil, the plugin would change the "RepairCost = (14)" to "RepairCost = (0)". In doing this, the experience level cost is reduced. This should be applicable to all items able to be used in an anvil.

    Commands: no commands needed.
    Permissions: I would like funcitonality to be universal and thus no permissions are needed.
    When I'd like it: I would be happy if it ever came my way!
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    @souperdudeman By setting it to 0, you mean resetting its repair cost to 0 everytime its used right?
    souperdudeman likes this.
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    Is this what you are looking for?
    souperdudeman likes this.
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    What you posted is very very similar to what I am looking for but it seems that the other person wanted a reduced enchantment cost increase whereas I would like just plain 0 enchantment cost increase. Also that plugin was for 1.12.2.
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    Has no api version provided,i created it on 1.15 but it has backward compatibility,atm it reduces it to 0,meaning no repair cost,i havent updated it for his request
    souperdudeman likes this.
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