Problem/Bug /nickname won't work in chat

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by tacktheratrix, Nov 29, 2019.

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    I'm an admin on a server my friends and I are making, the owner used to have someone code for him but apparently they've had a falling out and now I'm trying my best to do the code for our server. I've noticed that we can use nicknames using essentials. It will show up as the name for someone who's AFK and when you teleport to someone, but when you type in chat it won't display. The only plugin that I think could mess with essentials is 'Deluxe Chat' but I have no idea what I need to edit for essentials to work properly in nick name format.
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    According to DeluxeChat's spigot page, you use variables in the chat format per group. Have you tried changing the value of name to something like %display_name%? PlaceholderAPI is supported by DeluxeChat 1.12.0 and later versions, so you could use that too.

    Here's how the default format layout was: (According to their page)
        priority: 2147483647
        channel: '%deluxetags_tag%'
        prefix: ''
        name_color: '%factions_relation_color%'
        name: '&7%player_name%'
        suffix: ' %vault_suffix% &7&l» '
        chat_color: '&f'
        - '&c%player%s &7custom tag'
        - '%deluxetags_description%'
        prefix_tooltip: []
        - '&7-=[&6✦&7]=-  &7-=[&e%player_name%&7]=-  &7-=[&6✦&7]=-'
        - '&5Sent: &f%player_timestamp%'
        - '&eStatus: &f%deluxestatus_status%'
        - '&cCurrent rank: %ezrankslite_rankprefix%'
        - '&cNext rank: %ezrankslite_nextrankprefix%'
        - '&cRankup progress: %ezrankslite_progressbar%'
        - '&cCurrent prestige: %ezprestige_prestigetag%'
        - '&6Blocks broken&7: &f%ezblocks_broken% blocks'
        - '&eEnchant Tokens&7: &f%tokenenchant_tokens%'
        - '&aBalance&7: &a$&f%ezrankslite_balance%'
        - '&aChatReaction wins&7: &f%chatreaction_wins%'
        - '&bServer: &f%player_server%'
        suffix_tooltip: []
        channel_click_command: '[URL]'
        prefix_click_command: '[EXECUTE]/ranks'
        name_click_command: /ranks
        suffix_click_command: ''
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2019
  3. Offline


    @yPedx Thanks for responding!
    As for the code it doesn't seem to change anything other than making the players name literally "%display_name%" Would you be able to potentially identify what might be causing the problem if I show you the plugins? Or the code in them? I can say that the nickname did show up for about two seconds when I screwed around in essentials global. I was messing around with the code then reloaded the server, but as It was reloading the nickname was there that time. After it reloaded it was gone, and I have no clue what happened but I couldn't undo it.
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    Perhaps the two plugins are having issues deciding who's supposed to format the chat message. If you sent a message during the reload, I believe the default chat format from Minecraft itself was used.
    I found Essentials' old wiki page, perhaps you could try the variable {DISPLAYNAME} for the player's custom name.
  5. Offline


    Where would I put that variable? Under essentials global or essentials chat. Also I don't see anything relating to a player custom name, sorry if I'm real bad at this
  6. Offline


    It's been quite a long time since I used Essentials, so I'm not entirely sure what Essentials global is but.. Try putting the variable in Essentials chat. Every player has two names. One that can only be changed if the player changes his name via mojang's services, and one that can be changed by plugins. The one that can be changed by plugins is referenced as displayname.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2019
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