Solved EntityDeathEvent error

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Aragone, Jul 19, 2019.

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    Hello !

    I have an error with that code (Player killer = e.getEntity().getKiller(); ) :

    I already tried to cast to Player, to change method to detect the killer (Player killer = (Player) e.getEntity().getLastDamageCause().getEntity(); ). Nothing to do, I have an error...

    Thanks for ur help
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2019
  2. Offline


    @Aragone What is the error? I'm guessing 'getKiller()' returns null.
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    Oh yes sorry, I've forgotten to give it to you.


    Yes it returns null
  4. Offline


    @Aragone You can't use variable that's null, make a null check before using it.
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    @KarimAKL Yes but when I test the code the variable musn't be null.

    I don't understand. If I kill the armorstand, I'm a player so the variable musn't be null.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2019
  6. Offline


    @Aragone How did you kill the entity? Are you sure that's the line causing the error? The error says it's line 141, but your code only shows 16 lines.
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    @Aragone In the pastebin it seems line 141 is this:
    1. if(target.hasArms() == true) {

    If that's truly line 141 then 'target' is null, but i don't think e.getEntity() returns null at any time, so maybe pastebin has formatted your code wrong or something?
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    Last edited: Jul 20, 2019
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    @Aragone Try adding something like this before you check the gamemode:
    1. if (killer == null) {
    2. System.out.println("killer is null");
    3. return;
    4. } else System.out.println("killer is not null");
  11. Offline


    @KarimAKL It returns player is null. I suspected it. That's very strange I tried a lot of ways to get the player but there is nothing to do.
  12. Offline


    @Aragone I'm not sure if this gives the same result but have you tried this?
    1. EntityDamageEvent event = e.getEntity().getLastDamageCause();
    2. if (!(event instanceof EntityDamageByEntityEvent)) return;
    3. EntityDamageByEntityEvent ev = (EntityDamageByEntityEvent) event;
    4. if (!(ev.getDamager() instanceof Player)) return;
    5. Player killer = (Player) ev.getDamager();
  13. Offline


    @KarimAKL It runs, Thanks but that's crazy. I really don't understand why this method was not running well. Maybe it's deprecated.
  14. Offline


    @Aragone If you don't understand the code, then i'll try explaining it.
    Explanation (open)
    1. EntityDamageEvent event = e.getEntity().getLastDamageCause();

    Here we get the entity from the EntityDeathEvent and then get it's last damage cause. (the damage that caused it's death)
    1. if (!(event instanceof EntityDamageByEntityEvent)) return;

    We then check if the EntityDamageEvent gotten from the last damage cause is an instanceof EntityDamageByEntityEvent, we can do this because EntityDamageByEntityEvent extends EntityDamageEvent.
    We don't care about the damage if it wasn't caused by an entity (player).
    1. EntityDamageByEntityEvent ev = (EntityDamageByEntityEvent) event;

    Now we know that the event is an instanceof EntityDamageByEntityEvent, so we cast it to that so we can use it's methods. (it's only method is 'getDamager()', the rest is inherited from EntityDamageEvent)
    1. if (!(ev.getDamager() instanceof Player)) return;

    Again, we don't care if the damage wasn't caused by a player.
    1. Player killer = (Player) ev.getDamager();

    Now we can be sure that the damage was caused by a player, so we cast the Entity gotten from 'getDamager()' to a Player. That's it, now you've gotten the player.

    Anyway, i'm glad it worked for you. :)
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    Thank you very much you're a very good guy @KarimAKL
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