RankGrant Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by PolarBearGalaxy, Jan 31, 2019.

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    I need a very simple rank grant plugin.
    When an admin does /grant {username} a GUI comes up with a list of ranks. When they click the rank, it runs a command such as /pex user {username} group set Helper

    I know I can do this with like DeluxeMenus, but that just confuses me.
    Also, I know that there is RankGrant+ but that breaks PermissionsEx for me. Idk why.

    Timeframe: ASAP
    Version: Minecraft 1.8.8
    Commands: /grant
    rankgrant.{rank} - allows somebody to grant a certain rank
    rankgrant.open - allows somebody to open the gui.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2019
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    You should probably use the format, and include a tiny bit more, like what version.
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    Working on it. :D
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    :D Thanks so much!
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