Filled Total Play Time Rewards plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by OnCoke, Jan 21, 2019.

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    Hello guys!
    I'm searching for a playtime reward plugin.CMI Play Time Rewards has desirable features but the only problem is that i don't want other junk that comes with CMI.
    So when player reach let's say 10 hours of total playtime on a server he will get a reward.Player can claim reward whenever he wants to by typing /reward claim or in specified menu.As player claims his reward command executes ex. /pex user Player group set VIP or /give Player minecraft:diamond 5.AFK time will not be counted (can be changed in config).So each time player reach certain amounts of playtime he will be rewarded with new permissions or item or money or whatever you chouse it to be.Plugin can give reward daily or after certain period of time (optional).
    I be glad to know if that plugin existes or you are willing to code it by yourself.Thank you
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    I found it!It's called Autorank
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    Mark this as filled if you found a solution then. :D
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