
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Invenstory, Jan 15, 2019.

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  1. Offline


    Hello bukkit developers
    I wonder if you could make a plugin for me!

    Plugin name: WeeklyRewards

    What this plugin supposed to do:
    Rewarding pplayers every day. If the player don't join for 1 day , the next day he can claim the first reward only.
    If the player forget to claim one of the rewards he can claim it till he don't join for 1 day.
    Rewards be like => Day 1 , Day 2 , Day 3 , Day 4 , Day 5 , Day 6 , Day 7.
    The players can claim the rewards from a GUI. When a player claim a reward should play a sound LEVEL_UP

    Commands Permissions:
    • /Rewards - Open the GUI (WeeklyRewards.access)
    • /Rewards Reload - Reload the config (WeeklyRewards.admin)
    • /Rewards Clear %player% - Reset player's rewards (WeeklyRewards.admin)
    • /Rewards Help - List of commands (WeeklyRewards.help)
    • /Rewards give %player% %reward% - Giving the specific reward to a player (WeeklyRewards.admin) Depends on the name from config
    Name: &c&lRewards
    Slots: 64
    'day1' #name of the reward on config
       name: &a&lDay 1 #name of the reward in game
       lore: #lore of the reward
          - 'Click Me'
       item: DIAMOND_SWORD
       Slot: 2 #the slot in the gui that the item will placed
       commands: #commands that gonna run when a player click the reward
         - give %player% diamondsword 1
    The same with + 6 rewards........VERSION : 1.8
    Thats all! take your time to make it!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2019
  2. Offline


    Ill do this plugin seems pretty simple im guessing you just want one item for each reward?
  3. Offline


    thnx u so much...yeah
    btw u got it right? if u don't understand something tell me
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2019
  4. Offline


    Yah I have been working on it on my free time in between my classes and work. It is not a difficult plugin I am just trying to brush up on working with configuration files as it has been a while since I have worked with them. And currently they are being quite stubborn so I will get back to you with the plugin asap!
  5. Offline


    ah okeyy thnx you man i appriciate it!
    dbaum102 likes this.
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