Instance duplicate in memory after reload.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by DanielTheDev, Apr 24, 2018.

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  1. I'm using a initializer in the onEnable(), that will call the static contructor of the Lib class and set the 'public static final' variables. But I just found out that when I reload the server all the stored variables in the Lib are dudplicated and still uses memory.

    Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong and how to fix this.

        public void onEnable() {
    And this is the library class.

        public final class PluginLib {
            public static final (instace) name;
            static {
                name = new (instance);
            public static void init() {}
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @DanielTheDev Don't use static, it doesn't get cleaned by Bukkit.
  3. @timtower Thanks for telling.
    I got a question, How can I access variables without any static variable then?
    And my second question is, I got a class that binds two varaibles like key -> value.
    So every instance has one key and one value. But the instances still remain in the memory and I have no idea how to delete it.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Constructors and passing instances around.
    What does it do anyways?
  5. Sorry, I don't exactly undersand what you mean with 'Constructors and passing instances around, and how I can access the Lib variables.
    '. And the class to bind variables helps me returning multiple values at once.

    Tag class:
    public class Tag<K, V> {
        private V v;
        private K k;
        public Tag(K k, V v) {
            this.v = v;
            this.k = k;
        public Tag() {}
        public V getV() {
            return v;
        public void setV(V v) {
            this.v = v;
        public K getK() {
            return k;
        public void setK(K k) {
            this.k = k;
        public String toString() {
           try {
                StringBuilder string = new StringBuilder();
                ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
                Class<?> type = this.getClass();
                while(true) {
                    for(Field field : type.getDeclaredFields()) {
                        String value_name = field.getName().replace("v", "value").replace("k", "key");
                        Object var_value = field.get(this);
                        if(var_value instanceof String) var_value = "\""+var_value+"\"";
                    if(type.getSimpleName().equals("Tag")) break;
                    type = type.getSuperclass();
                for(int i = list.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
               return this.getClass().getSimpleName()+"{"+string.substring(0, string.length()-1)+"}";
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return "";
        public static class Three<K, V, V1> extends Tag<K, V> {
            private V1 v1;
            public Three(K k, V v, V1 v1) {
                super(k, v);
                this.v1 = v1;
            public Three() {
            public V1 getV1() {
                return v1;
            public void setV1(V1 v1) {
                this.v1 = v1;
        public static class Four<K, V, V1, V2> extends Three<K, V, V1> {
            private V2 v2;
            public Four(K k, V v, V1 v1, V2 v2) {
                super(k, v, v1);
                this.v2 = v2;
            public Four() {
            public V2 getV2() {
                return v2;
            public void setV2(V2 v2) {
                this.v2 = v2;
        public static class Five<K, V, V1, V2, V3> extends Four<K, V, V1, V2> {
            private V3 v3;
            public Five(K k, V v, V1 v1, V2 v2, V3 v3) {
                super(k, v, v1, v2);
                this.v3 = v3;
            public Five() {
            public V3 getV3() {
                return v3;
            public void setV3(V3 v3) {
                this.v3 = v3;
        public static class Six<K, V, V1, V2, V3, V4> extends Five<K, V, V1, V2, V3> {
            private V4 v4;
            public Six(K k, V v, V1 v1, V2 v2, V3 v3, V4 v4) {
                super(k, v, v1, v2, v3);
                this.v4 = v4;
            public Six() {
            public V4 getV4() {
                return v4;
            public void setV4(V4 v4) {
                this.v4 = v4;
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @DanielTheDev Constructors is object oriented programming.
    Please post that lib class, because the one you posted doesn't need static storage.
  7. Here you go.

    public final class PluginLib {
        public static boolean libraryLoaded = false;
        public static final PlayerStalker plugin;
        public static final PluginManager pluginManager;
        public static final ExceptionManager exceptionManager;
        public static final Server server;
        public static final String serverVersion;
        public static final ConsoleCommandSender console;
        public static final PluginDescriptionFile descriptionFile;
        public static final String pluginVersion;
        public static final File dataFolder;
        public static final CommandManager commandManager;
        public static final EventManager eventManager;
        public static final FileManager fileManager;
        public static final GuiManager guiManager;
        public static final ServerPlaceHolder serverPlaceHolder;
        public static final PlayerList playerList;
        public static final PluginLogger pluginLogger;
        public static final CustomGuiManager customGuiManager;
        public static final Github github;
        public static UpdateChecker updateChecker;
        public static MySqlRunner mySqlRunner;
        public static final CommandData commandData;
        public static final Skulls skulls;
        public static final DataManager datamanager;
        static {
            libraryLoaded = false;
            plugin = PlayerStalker.plugin;
            exceptionManager = new ExceptionManager();
            server = plugin.getServer();
            pluginManager = server.getPluginManager();
            serverVersion = server.getVersion();
            console = server.getConsoleSender();
            descriptionFile = plugin.getDescription();
            pluginVersion = descriptionFile.getVersion();
            dataFolder = plugin.getDataFolder();
            fileManager = new FileManager(); fileManager.init();
            commandManager = new CommandManager();
            eventManager = new EventManager();
            guiManager = new GuiManager();
            serverPlaceHolder = new ServerPlaceHolder(plugin);
            playerList = new PlayerList();
            pluginLogger = new PluginLogger();
            customGuiManager = new CustomGuiManager();
            github = new Github("DanielTheJavaDeveloper", "plugin-versions");
            updateChecker = new UpdateChecker(false);
            mySqlRunner = new MySqlRunner(false);
            commandData = new CommandData();
            skulls = new Skulls();
            datamanager = new DataManager();
            libraryLoaded = true;
        public static void init() {}
        public static void delete() {
            mySqlRunner = null;
            updateChecker = null;
        private static void subInit() {
        public static class Command {
            public static final ArrayList<CommandArgument> commands;
            static {
                commands = new ArrayList<>();
            public static void init() {}
        public static class Files {
            public static final ArrayList<FileClass> files;
            static  {
                files = new ArrayList<>();
            public static void init() {}
        public static class CustomFiles {
            public static final ArrayList<CustomGui> files;
            static  {
                files = new ArrayList<>();
            public static void init() {}
        public static class CustomData {
            public static List<String> permissions;
            public static LinkedHashMap<UUID, MySql.Result> message_log_resultList;
            public static LinkedHashMap<UUID, MySql.Result> command_log_resultList;
            public static long last_update_check;
            public static long last_refreshed_sec;
            public static boolean update_available;
            public static final int max_interval_sec = 500;
            public static ServerInfo info;
            public static ServerInfo.Version current_version;
            private static void init() {
                message_log_resultList = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                command_log_resultList = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                permissions = new ArrayList<String>() {{
                    for(Field field : Permissions.class.getDeclaredFields()) {
                        if(field.isAnnotationPresent(Permissions.Ignore.class)) continue;
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception e) {
            private static void delete() {
                permissions = null;
                last_update_check = 0;
                last_refreshed_sec = 0;
                update_available = false;
                info = null;
                current_version = null;
                message_log_resultList = null;
                command_log_resultList = null;
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @DanielTheDev And why would that need to be static? Why not make an instance in the onEnable?
  9. @timtower Static instance of the Lib or not?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

  11. Then how can I access the lib without any static variables?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    You pass the main instance around to all other classes, then you have a getter for the lib.
  13. Ok, Thank you for that.
    And about my other question.
    How can I delete the Tag<?,?> class after I don't need it anymore.
    Because I noticed that it is stacking up in the memory.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

  15. Almost everywhere. In non-static methods, and especially as parameters.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Java's garbage collector should clean it on its own.
  17. @timtower The problem is. it doesn't and I cannot call the garbage collector.
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