
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Kakotu, Mar 19, 2018.

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  1. Suggested name: StaffApplication

    What I want: (no permission for /apply)I would like an ingame apply so you type /apply then a message comes like "your chat is frozen" and then it comes question like " [1] What rank are you applying for?" and then you answer in chat and i can add how many questions i want in it. then when i have answered on all the questions it's going to save in a book that the players with apply.view can open a gui and read. and if they like it they hold it in their hand and type /apply accept and then the applyer (the one that applied) is getting a message like "Your application has been accepted, Welcome! but if denied "Sorry, your application has been denied! Please reapply in %time%. also a 3 week cooldown on applys. If you have apply.notify then you get message like "Kakotu just applied" also a permission like apply.notification that is like "Kakotu's application got accepted" no notification when tha apply is denied. If you have a question about this just ask! Thanks for tanking time to read this. If you know a similar plugin then please leave the name of the plugin in the comments.

    Ideas for commands: /apply, /apply view, /apply accept, /apply deny, /apply clear all/player)

    Ideas for permissions: apply.view, apply.accept,apply.deny, apply.bypass, apply.notify, apply.clear
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2018
  2. Offline


    I will attempt to make this plugin. What version would you like this plugin to be made in? Until you reply, I will be making the plugin with the latest spigot (1.12.2). Also, what would you like the permission, apply.bypass, to do?
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2018
  3. Version: 1.12.2 spigot. The apply.bypass is bypassing the cooldown on applies, also if possible apply.* for all permissions and apply.reload
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2018
  4. Offline


    I can make this for you if Plasma isn't making it for you rn.
  5. I haven't heard anything of him
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