From world to world without dirt screen

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by JustDevel, Mar 7, 2018.

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    Hi. It's like FastConnect but for Bukkit or Spigot worlds. If you don't know, FastConnect is a BungeeCord or Waterfall plugin which allows you to move from server to server without dirt screen. I suggest the same thing but for worlds.

    I do not care if this will be done with Multiverse Core or with MultiWorld.

    P.S. my first thread..
  2. Offline


    Seems interesting. I'll try to see if I can create this.

    Okay, so I think I got most of it working, however, there are two problems:
    1. When the dirt screen is removed, the screen flashes between the two areas (where you were and where you are going to) for a second before you appear at the new location. Currently, this seems to be an issue with minecraft's internal rendering system, and do not know of a good way to fix/counteract it.
    2. Minecraft requires this screen when changing to worlds of different types (since the End's sky/floor is different than the OverWorld, and since the Nether has a red-tint to the sky). So, for changing from one 'environment' (as it is called) to another, the screen is required. That means that the plugin I am creating is only useful if you are using other Overworld worlds.
    Now, #1, this is more of an annoyance than a problem. However, since it seems you do not have multiverse or multiworld, it seems you do not have any other overworlds, so if this is the case, then there is no way to complete the request.

    Because of this, I will stop working on the request. If you do have other overworlds and intended to use this for only those worlds, reply and I will continue finishing the project.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2018
  3. Offline


    I have many overworlds and would love this!
  4. Offline


    Alright, then I'll get back to working on the project.
  5. Offline


    Yeah, I'll use only OverWorld. Just no need for Nether or End. One more: begin teleportation you should teleport a player to "far" location, and then tp to other world. It prevents the case if the client does not ship(?) chunks
  6. Offline


    You make 0 sense...
  7. Offline


    I think I understand what he is trying to say.

    Your suggesting using the teleport method so the 'client' think they are being teleported instead of changing worlds. This may fix #1 and I'll try implementing it.
  8. Offline


    Just re read it a few times, now I get it. My bad.
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