Solved Interface that will create an enum

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ItsComits, Feb 12, 2018.

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    Hello, I am wanting to use an interface that will create an enum in the class that implements the interface. I am just looking for a push into the right direction on how I would accomplish this.
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    Need a little bit more detail or an example.

    From the first read, it sounds like you should use an Abstract class which you can extend to other classes.

    public abstract class EnumeratedSuper{
        public enum SomeEnumerator{
            First, Second, Third
    public class SomeClass extends EnumeratedSuper{
        private SomeEnumerator enumSelected;
        public SomeClass(){
            enumSelected = SomeEnumerator.First;

    On my third read, sounds like you need something like an Animal super class that contains an enumerator of all Animal subclasses?
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    Here is what I am trying to achieve.
        public interface interfaceClass {
            //Stuck here
        public class someClass implements interfaceClass {
            //Wanting to generate an empty enum with some methods
            public enum enumName {
                public getName() {
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    Don't think I have enough knowledge with how you are trying to structure it to help.

    I guess another question would be what are you trying to accomplish with this? Might be a different way to approach it that I could help with :)
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    @Lorinthio Im using the enums for each database. Each database will have different actions depending on what data is going to be stored within the database. I am wanting to use the enums so that I will be able to use these database actions elsewhere in the plugin.
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    So i assume you are trying to use enums to declare which saving action should be used to store an object into a database, probably with serialization. But how is it related to interfaces? I dont understand what u are trying to achieve, plz explain more.
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    Sounds like the XY problem.

    What exactly are you trying to achieve with this enum/interface thing?
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2018
    Lorinthio likes this.
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