Supply Crates

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by BiometircMC, Dec 18, 2017.

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    I'm searching for a supply crates plugin, which I can use on my server. Essentially what I'm looking for in this plugin is, I can create a supply crate (using something like /sc create [name]) and I can go into config and add items into it (eg: I made a crate like /sc create "Ultimate" when that happens there should be a section in config saying Crates: Ultimate: with the list of items I can add) The max items that can be added should be the space of a single chest (16 I think maybe I'm wrong :p). And when I do a command such as (/sc drop [name of crate]) it drops the specific crate. I also need it so you can add/remove the worlds (in config) which the crate works in because I have 3 worlds, and I want the crates being dropped in 1 of them. And it should announce in chat (announcer should be editable and must have an editable prefix such as [SupplyCrates]) that a crate has been dropped at (x y z cords).
  2. Offline


    So when you drop a crate, where exactly do you want it to drop? At the position of the player to runs the command or..?
  3. Offline


    What did you mean when you said:
    Did you want the crate to be always dropped into that specific world?
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