World teleporter

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Mr_BelgiumGamer, Sep 10, 2017.

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  1. Name: WorldTP

    Version: 1.11.x-1.12.x

    What do i want: So i can do /wtp name Worldname Cords Example: /wtp Dennis Survival 859 52 63

    Perms: (so u can do /wtp name world cords) name) (so u can teleport to that world)

    When do i want it ; as fast as u can! please
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    Last edited: Sep 10, 2017
  3. Thanks!

    can u add a translate file? or that i can disable the tp messages because i have a dutch server so i can translate it and i don't want the message when u are teleported :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2017
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    @Mr_BelgiumGamer ah ok, but I can't do it right now cuz I'm not at my computer right now.

    Also, I can only edit it in Saturday and Sunday. So you just wait.
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    Had some spare time :D

    - adding the requested config where you can modify your messages (errors will automatically be displayed red. you are free to change the color with alternative color codes in the message)
    - try-catching some values to prevent internal errors
    - "~" can also be used as coordinate
    - tab completion for players with wtp.use permission
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2017
  6. Yo man thanks for making the plugin better!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @MightyOne Dod you edit or make a new plugin?
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    @timtower No I did not. Of course x y and z will be like arg[1] [2] and [3] but the essential ideas were mine. The major part is new so I'd declare it as new ideas. At some other point I felt sorry for taking away other peoples work/hobby so i used the same directory names and author. Whatever
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @MightyOne Always use your own name please.
    Then the developer can be actually be tracked down if issues arise with the plugin.
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    Ok im going to change it. You are right
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