How to turn a source code into a .jar file(a plugin)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by call911, Jul 30, 2017.

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    Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone here can help me or explain to me how to turn a source code into a .jar file, I know this might sound a lot but you have no idea how much it would help me if you explain to me how

    Thanks for reading!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    you compile the source xD if ur in eclipse right click on the project and click export then click jar file then name it and your finished
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    Has this source code been previously decompiled?

    Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
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    Okay, to export a JAR file from Eclipse, right click on your project, click 'Export' then 'JAR File.' Uncheck the '.classpath' and '.project' files, you don't need those. Then, make sure your 'plugin.yml' is checked. Then, set your directory to where the file will be, set a name then click 'OK' then 'Finish' Then, move to the directory to where you exported it, and it should be there.
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